Chapter 27

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Short Chapter, sorry!

Race day mornings were always quite hectic, even when you were not the one racing. Kudzai spent the majority of the morning pacing whilst Esteban was surprisingly the collected one. He had spent the night last night since Max and Daniel went back to their trailers (Vic thankfully stayed).

"But what if what happens to Lys happens to you?" Kudzai had began to worry about the upcoming race the more as the hours ticked by.

"It won't." Esteban reassured. "Not only am I the better teammate," this earned him a glare from me, "but it's quite difficult to crash into the walls here. I'm sure if Alyssa was racing she'd find a way to do it but I promise I won't. If I do, you can personally kill me yourself."

"You're a dick." I muttered, moving away from Esteban so that I could angrily stare at him.

"A dick that can drive." He laughed, sticking up his middle finger.

"How're you so calm?" Vic asked Esteban, noticing his laid-back behaviour.

Esteban shrugged, turning his attention away from me. "It's my home Grand Prix, I'm more excited than anything. It's hard to be nervous when you have so much support."

"Not from me, you don't." I commented under my breath. He still heard me, despite this, and shot me an offended look.

"Ignore her," Kudzai said, rolling her eyes, "she's just grouchy that she's ill and can't race."

"You would be, too!" I replied.

"How is your head this morning, Lys? I forgot to ask you during breakfast." Vic asked.

"It's just a dull pain, more annoying than anything. I should be able to watch the race from the garage today." I shrugged. In all honesty, I would much prefer to stay in the hotel than go out but I needed to be there to support the team.

"Red Bull or Force India?"

"Is that even a question?" I raised an eyebrow in amusement.

"I thought it would be a good idea for you to be seen at Red Bull with me, it'll start to introduce the public to the idea that you and Max are dating." Vic replied.

"Max doesn't want to-"

"He posted a photo of you two on instagram, have you even seen the comments? Some people already think it, you just need to show that you're supporting him. Besides, it's your relationship, too."

I thought for a moment. Whilst on the one hand I'd be betraying my team, on the other I'd be a supportive girlfriend. I could still cheer on Force India from the Red Bull garage, and it's not as if I'm supposed to be working.

"I'll ask Max later." I concluded.

"Snake" Esteban coughed under his breathe, averting his eyes from mine. I could see the cheeky grin on his face when he glanced back my way to see my annoyed expression.

"I'm still Force India all the way, I'm one of their drivers for fuck sake."

"Not this weekend, you're not." Esteban shot back, sipping from his drink. Vic laughed, Kudzai cracked a smile and I just glared at my teammate.

"Is it too late to ask for a different teammate?" I looked at Kudzai and then back at Esteban, noticing the smirk remained curled on his lip. "I don't remember signing up for this."

"You could always go back to F2." Esteban teased, earning himself a slap on the arm from me.

"You could always go back to F2." I shot back, folding my arms.

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