Chapter 81

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I was up early the next morning to ensure that I could fit my busy schedule. The only break I'd get is a little after lunch where I was planning on cornering Lando and resolving whatever issues we have. He seemed adamant on ignoring all of my texts which only made me more frustrated at him.

"Someone's got a lot of pent up aggression." Lizzie raised her eyebrows as I hit the punching bag. "I thought you had a relaxing night yesterday?"

"I-" Punch, "-did." I said through gritted teeth as I focused on putting all of my energy on hitting the bag in front of me. "Lando-" Punch, "-is pissing-" Punch, "-me off."

"Why's that?" She asked. "Oh, and switch to kicks."

"He's ignoring all my attempts to contact him." I inhaled deeply as I held the bag still. I took a step back before twisting my body and slamming the top of my foot into the side of the bag. I repeated the action multiple times until Lizzie put a gentle hand on my shoulder and I reluctantly stopped.

"Hun, you might want to slow it down before you break something."

I let out a huff and wiped a bead of sweat from my forehead. "How much longer do we have left?"

"Uhh..." Lizzie looked down to her watch. "About ten more minutes with the bag, fifteen minutes working on your neck, and then a ten minute cool down stretch. That should be good for today." I had already been working for an hour on various other parts of my fitness such as cardio, reaction time, and weights but it seemed like a hard sprint to the finish with the neck exercises. Ask any of the drivers on the grid and they'd agree with me when I say that doing any form of neck workout it the worst, even more so when a force almost double that of a usual corner is being applied to your neck. One of the slight disadvantages of being a woman driver was the fact that it takes longer to define and build up the muscles on my neck. However, with the amount of training I do, there is an almost insignificant difference.

Just as I think I'm getting better at the workouts, Lizzie changes it up just to make it a challenge. It's definitely helped me improve as a driver as it has made me physically stronger, and also, somewhat, mentally. If I can endure long periods of strenuous activity, then a formula one race should be easier in comparison. The punching was introduced a couple of weeks ago as a five minute thing and it now takes up almost half an hour of my schedule.

"Get yourself a drink and have a two minute break, then we'll move onto neck." Lizzie told me, taking a swig from her water bottle. I let out a sigh and stepped back; a two minute break is not enough.


"You look knackered." Kudzai placed a hand on my shoulder, taking a seat next to me on the bench. I was currently sat outside of the Force India building with the weekends plan in file form in my hand. It's surprisingly a lot more peaceful in the Russian sun than it is inside at the moment.

"I feel it, too." I chuckled softly, rubbing my neck from the aching. "Lizzie worked me hard today."

"How're you feeling about Lando? You guys make up yet?"

I groaned. "I'm meeting with him soon. I have absolutely no idea what I'm going to say to him. All I know is that he better have a good fucking reason for ghosting me since Esteban's party. He's being completely irrational just ignoring me I-"

"You need to chill, girl." Kudzai let out a small laugh. "You're getting stressed over nothing. I'm sure you guys will work it out, just like you did with Max."

"Max and Lando are completely different people, Kudz."

"If anything, Max is the short-tempered one. Lando should be a breeze to get back on your side, especially since it's obvious he's infatuated with you."

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