Chapter 20

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Azerbaijan - the infamous Baku street circuit. It was a track with everything: long straights, small corners, and no room for error. One small move in the wrong places and you'll end up straight in the wall, ruining that day of racing.

Thankfully I had been training very hard for this type of circuit, determined to score at least another podium. Judging from our previous results here, a potential podium was very much on the cards for Esteban and I. It was just a case of keeping it clean over the weekend. I had spent many hours over the past week leading up to the race in the simulator in order to prepare myself for the race and practice in various different conditions, so much so that I've barely spent any time with those close to me. Occasionally I would meet up with Max and Victoria in Baku for food, however that was on the rare occasion. Kudzai was the only person who I had seen everyday since arriving in Azerbaijan as we were working closely together on ways to improve media coverage and sponsors.

"Alyssa, it's getting late." My eyes were so focused on the screen in front of me that I didn't even notice Kudzai's presence until she placed a hand on my shoulder. "You've got practice tomorrow and you need to be up early for it."

I sighed, glancing at my watch. "It's only half past ten. I'll leave at eleven."

"Lys..." Kudzai looked down at me with a disapproving glare. "You've been staring at that simulator screen for the past two hours, you need to have a break for tonight. I need a break for tonight."

"If I let you have a go can we stay until eleven?" I asked, hopefully looking up. Kudzai continued to glare, however she eventually gave in.

"Fine!" She sighed, throwing her hands up in defeat. I smiled to myself as I got up out of the chair allowing Kudzai to take my seat. She had always enjoyed the simulators even though she wasn't strictly allowed on them since she was only the media manager, however, I use this to my advantage when I want things to go my way.

Kudzai had done a few laps around the Baku track before allowing me to resume my practice. She watched me intently, having the statistics up for my lap that had been synced to her tablet meant that she could see where I was slacking.

"Second sector is a bit shit if I'm being honest, Lys."

"It's the narrow bit, I've never actually driven through it at this high of a speed yet." I rested my head against the steering wheel and sighed. "I don't even know why I can't, I've never had issues with it in the past."

"Maybe what happened with El has impacted your driving?" Kudzai suggested. "Hopefully it's something that'll pass quickly."

"I honestly don't know." I ran a hand through my hair before switching off the simulator. "Maybe once I'm back in the car I'll be fine."

As I gathered up my things from my workspace, there was a knock on the door. I wasn't able to see who it was from where I was standing so looked to Kudzai for information.

"Susie!" Kudzai grinned, obviously being very fond of the woman. "And... Lewis?"

I manoeuvred my way through all of the equipment, arriving next to Kudzai at the door. I greeted Susie and Lewis with a smile even though it was unexpected to see them here at this time.

"I was working late with Lewis on some approaches to this weekend and saw your light on - thought I might pop in and see how you're doing." Susie said.

"Alyssa has literally just got out of the simulator, she's spent most of her week in there." Kudzai spoke, rolling her eyes before I could even open my mouth to talk.

"There's only so much you can do in the simulator." Lewis commented. "I usually try to limit my time or else my driving changes because of it."

"Well you're a far more experienced driver than me so don't need to spend as much time on it as I do. I've only raced Baku once before during my year in F2, other than that I've probably drove around the track twice."

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