Chapter 22

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Bodies entwined with your significant other was always a great way to sleep. The early golden sun streaming through the windows made Max look even more angelic than he normally does. I had woken up slightly earlier than I would've wanted to the birds chirping outside. Despite being pulled up against Max's chest with no way of getting out, I could still see the time on the digital clock reading 07:54 - I don't need to leave until at least ten.

I just lay there, listening to his steady breathing, feeling the rise and fall of his chest, inhaling his masculine scent. It's moments like these, so simple yet precious, that I'll cherish for eternity - a time when all is peaceful and content. These moments make me realise my deep feelings for Max; my love for him. It's crazy how we've known each other for three months and I've already devoted myself to him. How does is it possible to feel as if we've only just met yet at the same time as if I've known him for many years?

A little over half an hour passed before Max's alarm went off. Luckily it wasn't a loud blaring noise to disturb the serenity of the morning, but a gentle chime. At first, I didn't think that Max had heard it, but before long he reached behind him and shut it off. I looked up and smiled. Max kept his eyes closed for a few moments longer before slowly opening one, and then the other.

"Morning, schatje." His husky morning voice gave me all kinds of emotions. Max kept his arms wrapped around my bare shoulders, resting his head on top of mine.

"Morning." My voice, too, was a little groggy but I highly doubted it sounded anywhere close to as sexy as his. I sighed in content, closing my eyes to focus on the warmth that was radiating off of Max's bare chest.

"I don't want to get up." Max groaned after a few minutes of silence. I hummed in response, also not wanting to move or else I be cold again. "I'd much rather spend the day with you in bed."

I sighed, pulling away slightly so I could see his beautiful blue eyes. "So do I, love. But..." I gave him a smile of encouragement, "It's race day."

His face seemed to have lit up at the mention of the race, he was clearly anticipating it. "It's going to be a good race for Red Bull, I can tell." He grinned. "We just have to get past your Force Indias and we'll be set for the podiums."

"But you've got to get past them first, I doubt they'll make it easy. If I were them, I certainly wouldn't." I teased, poking his chest.

"We've got our strategies." Max said. I raised an eyebrow in response, hoping he'd elaborate so that I'd have the upper hand in the race. "You'll find out during the race what they are."

"You keep those dreams alive." I laughed. "Don't cry too much if our strategies beat you."

"If they're your strategies, I don't have a lot to worry about."

I fake gasped, looking up at Max and pouting. "For that you're making me breakfast."

"I was only joking, babe. You've got great strategies."

"I know, but that doesn't get you out of making me breakfast. Now go!" I gently pushed on his chest to encourage him out of bed. My stomach was on the verge of rumbling as I was quite hungry.

"You're mean." Max jutted our his bottom lip, reluctantly climbing out of bed. I stretched out to cover the entire mattress, grinning sheepishly up at him.

I laughed at Max's expression. "That's what girlfriends are for."

"It's a good thing I love you." He mumbled, turning to walk out of the room.

A smile formed on my face before I called out, "I love you, too!"

That was the calm before the storm.

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