Chapter 17

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"Are you ready to eat your words, Ricciardo?"

Upon hearing my voice, the Aussie turned around in his seat and flashed me a grin. I had approached him in the Red Bull hospitality facility, thankfully I had changed out of my Force India gear or else I doubt I would've been let in. Max wasn't around at the moment, he was probably called by the FIA about the incident so there was no need to get pissy yet.

"I admit, 'A' was amazing, but nowhere near as good as me." He joked. "How was the champagne?"

"It made my hair sticky." I pouted, taking the seat next to him.

"Oh no." Daniel mocked sympathy, dramatically leaning against the arm. "You're going to have to cut it all off."

I gave him a funny look, very opposed to the idea of cutting my hair. "Piss off." He seemed to find my reaction amusing, his loud laugh echoing through the room. "Where's Max?"

"With Christian and the FIA." The tone suddenly shifted. "None of them are very happy at the moment."

"When I see him, I swear to God I'll-"

"Please go easy on him, he's a delicate lad at heart." Daniel interrupted. "I know you're annoyed but he's getting shit from everyone, his girlfriend shouldn't be included."

"But he-" I tried once again to express my unhappiness but was cut short.

"Max made an error, yes. But he's paying for it. He's apologised, too."

"Can't I just give him a stern look?" I suggested.

"By all means, just don't hold a grudge." Daniel warned, pointing a weary finger at me. To lighten the mood, Daniel cracked a smile. "You should've seen Esteban's face when Max approached him earlier, I honestly thought he was going to murder the poor guy."

"Esteban is beyond pissed. So's the team. Max'll probably have to keep well away from our garage for a long while."

"I think he'll need a bodyguard from all of Esteban's fans, as well." He laughed.

"It wouldn't surprise me." I agreed, smiling. "So how did you find the race?" I decided to change the subject away from Max in case he came back and heard us talking about him.

"It's a shame 'A's Force India was so quick or else I probably would've been on the podium. But my car was lacking the pace I had shown over the weekend, so I'm very happy with fourth."

"At least you finished the race, Spain was pretty shit for you." I remembered how Daniel's engine blew out on him on the formation lap and we had to staff under safety car. I did feel bad for him, and myself as I had been looking forward to racing him.

Daniel scrunched his nose in disgust. "Don't remind me."

"Don't remind you of what?" The voice I had very mixed emotions about spoke from behind. I didn't want to look up immediately, so instead let Daniel do the greeting.

"Oh, Hey bud! We were just talking about Spain. How'd the meeting go?" Daniel awkwardly bent his neck to look at the Dutchman, a large smile plastered on his face.

"Just a slap on the wrist." Max shrugged, moving around the sofa so that he could sit on the chair in front on Dan and I. I noticed how he was trying not to meet my eye, an obvious sign of guilt. "If it happens again I lose five championship points."

"That's not too bad." Dan reassured, trying to cheer up the down man in front of him.

"At least it's not a driving ban - that was on the cards at one point. I just want to move on, focus on Baku."

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