Chapter 73

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The sun woke me up at an unholy time in the morning. I must've forgotten to close the blinds last night before I went to bed... however I don't remember much from last night. A light pounding in my head told me that my poor memory is probably from my high level of alcohol consumption. All I know is that I needed it.

When someone stirred next to me in bed, I froze. The person's arm was draped loosely over my waist - how did I not notice until now? I glanced down to the hand and realised that Is was too tan to be Max, and not big enough, either. Holding my breathe, I rolled over so that I could face the person and almost screamed when I saw who it was.

"Shit." Upon hearing me exclaim, Lando opened his eyes alert. It seemed to take him a moment to process what was happening before his eyes widened.

"Shit." He copied my words exactly, sitting up abruptly in bed. I followed suit, holding the thin duvet tightly against my bare chest. Oh my gosh, we were naked. "Did we...?"

I gulped, nodding my head slowly. "I think so... I don't know."

"Shit, Lys, I didn't mean to overstep any boundaries."

"No, no, you didn't." I sighed, pinching the bridge of my nose. "I'm sorry."

"Don't be." Lando reached over and grabbed my hand. I considered pulling away but didn't want to hurt his feelings.

I raked my mind - what happened?

We arrived back at my hotel room a little after eleven, chucking our shoes into a random corner. The nerves that twisted my stomach left me tapping nervously against my leg. Lando seemed to notice as he grabbed my hand in his to stop the movement.

"Now, I really don't want you getting mad at me..."

"Can I make a guess? That might help." Lando suggested, noticing that I was reluctant. I bit my lip and nodded my head. "Are you secretly a stripper?" He jokingly asked. I couldn't help but chuckle. "Okay, but seriously, is it to do with 'A'?"

I took a deep breathe and nodded my head. "I know you despised him. Every time we were together, you just talked about how much you didn't like him. That's why I've been so reluctant to tell you that... I'm 'A'."

"I wish you'd have told me about 'A' sooner if it was going to end like this." He chuckled, gesturing to the fact that we were both naked. "But if I wasn't such a lovely drunk, I probably would've gotten angry."

"I shouldn't have kept it from you." I bit my bottom lip and stared ahead. "At least you reacted better than Max."

"How'd he react?" Lando asked, shuffling closer.

"He almost dumped me. It took ages for him to even look at me again." I frowned at the memories. I remember feeling so shit for so long. "What happened with him is what I feared with you."

"That sucks."

"Almost as much as yesterday's race." I leaned my head against his shoulder but almost immediately sat up again. "Why is your skin sticky?"

Lando thought to himself for a moment before chuckling. "Oh yeah, the champagne."

"I think we should celebrate the fact that you're 'A'!" Lando cheered, picking up the hotel's complementary bottle of champagne which had been sitting in a bucket of ice (which turned to water over the day). He dried the bottle on his shirt before throwing it to me. Luckily, I had caught it before it hit the floor which was remarkable considering my state.

"I've been 'A' for ages." I laughed, attempting to undo the cork of the champagne.

"Well, I've only just been told about it."

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