Chapter 78

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"Lando, hurry up - we're going to be late!"

I impatiently slipped on my shoes by the front door. I could hear Lando shuffling in my bedroom as he got ready for Esteban's birthday gig however, as he finished working later than expected, we were running behind schedule. With the typical traffic, we would need to be leaving at this exact moment to ensure we got to the bar for 19:30.

"I'm almost done!" I heard him call through the door, before he came stumbling through whilst trying to tie his laces. I couldn't help but chuckle upon noticing his shirt buttoned up wrong and pointed to the mistake. Lando looked down and groaned, halting his half-tied laces to redo the buttoning. This did involve him exposing his very toned chest but I tried my hardest not to look like I was staring. Instead, I crouched down and tied up Lando's laces for him. "Thanks, Lys."

After doing the final loop and sealing the knot, I returned to my upright position. I didn't take a step back so our faces ended up a mere few inches apart. I exhaled softly and smiled at him.

"You ready?" I asked.

Lando wordlessly nodded his head, his eyes locking with mine. I never appreciated the beautiful shade of brown that Lando's eyes were until I was staring into them. It was like staring into a cup of melted chocolate. "You look really nice, by the way."

I bit my lip shyly and dropped my gaze. "Thanks. You don't look too bad yourself."

"I think I look dashing," Lando joked, adjusting the cuff on his sleeve with a charming smile. I rolled my eyes and playfully pushed his chest.

"Can't disagree."

"You're only agreeing because I know you want to drive," he said with a laugh. He then leaned closer so that his lips were lightly grazing mine and our noses brushed against each other. "That isn't going to happen, though, babe."

I groaned softly and tilted my head back. "Why not?"

"You may be one of the best drivers on the F1 grid, but you cannot drive on the roads for shit." Lando poked my side causing me to squirm in the other direction.

"Why does everyone hate my driving?"

"Babe- it's awful."

"Don't 'babe' me." I folded my arms across my chest and sighed. "And my driving isn't that bad."

Lando placed a hand on my shoulder. "I hate to tell you this, but it really is." He paused for a moment, a mischievous smirk forming on his lips. "Babe, can you give me the keys, please?"

I pursed my lips, reluctantly reaching to the small hook on the wall behind me where Lando's keys were hung up. He held his hand out expectantly, his eyebrows raised in unison with the corners of his mouth when I dropped them in. "At least this means I'm allowed to drink."

"Oh yeah, because that's a good idea," Lando sarcastically replied, following me to the front door.

"I'm a sensible drinker."

"Of course," he dramatically said. "And you just happened to sleep with me in Belgium because you were such a sensible drinker."

"Why are you saying that like it's a bad thing?" I nudged him with my elbow, an eyebrow raised. "I wasn't the only one drunk that night."

"It was far from bad, babe, trust me." Lando placed a hand on my waist after I locked the front door behind me.

"I know." I let him guide me to the car whilst I fumbled to put my keys into my bag. "And quit calling me 'babe'."

"Anything you want, babe."


We arrived at the private bar ten minutes later than what was asked since the traffic en route wasn't in our favour. Throughout the journey, I felt my nerves building when I realised that Max was supposed to be at Esteban's birthday party as well. I had yet to tell Lando that Max knows about us in case he were to accidentally spill something about our little... 'deal'. We agreed to let as few people as possible know about our 'relationship' as it would be over shortly. It's still strictly no-strings-attached, I think.

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