Chapter 8

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I spent most of Tuesday just sitting around. After the intense morning workout, I felt drained and couldn't be bothered to go for another jog with Kudzai when she had asked so instead had a movie marathon with Max and Victoria.

I was surprised that Kudzai wasn't at all mad when I had told her about Toto and Susie, in fact, it was quite the opposite. She had congratulated me, even saying this was a good first step and that she was proud I was making independent decisions. It may just have been because my birthday is so near so didn't want to start any drama this soon, either way I'm really grateful.

Our flight from Melbourne to Bahrain departed at 5am on my birthday, and took a total of seventeen hours. Because of time zones, we arrived in the desert at 3pm, and our hotels by 4. I had slept on the plane so when we had landed, I wasn't overly groggy with jet lag. However, that doesn't mean that I wasn't pissed off at the fact that most of my birthday had been wasted. 

"Cheer up, Lys." Kudzai told me as she unlocked our hotel room door. Because Esteban had his trailer this weekend, Kudzai said she'll bunk with me - well at least for one night. "We can go out for food and cake later."

"Thanks Kudz." We walked into the room and dumped our bags on the floor. The room, similarly to the one in Melbourne, looked like an apartment. The kitchen and living room was open plan, and there were two separate bedrooms each with an ensuite.

"I had Esteban book us a table for seven, which gives us about an hour and a half to nap before we have to get ready." Kudzai announced, flopping down onto the couch. Her eyes immediately closed, she obviously couldn't be bothered to find her bed which gave me first dibs.

I chose the bedroom with the best view - it was so close to the track and I was able to see it clearly from my window. It also had the bigger wardrobe which was needed considering how many clothes I had.

I took Kudzai's advice and decided to have a nap considering the only sleep I've had in the past 24 hours was on the plane. Before drifting off, I set an alarm for half five because I don't trust myself or Kudzai would wake up in time without it.

When the alarm was blaring in my ear, it had felt like I had only been asleep for a brief moment. Unsurprisingly, Kudzai didn't hear my alarm so I had to gently wake her up - and by gently I mean I violently shook her until she almost fell off the sofa. If you'd have known for as long as I had, you'd know that that was the only way of awakening her from a nap.

"What are you wearing tonight?" I asked, helping her up off the sofa.

Kudzai let out a yawn before replying, "I've got this cobalt blue dress that Esteban brought me in Australia, I'll probably just where that."

"I haven't got a clue what to wear." I sighed, moving to my suitcase so unzip it and look through.

"Fear not," Kudzai grinned slyly, pulling out a neatly wrapped box from one of her many suitcases and handing it to me. I wearily took it from her, "Happy Birthday, Lys!"

I unwrapped the gift, opening the box to reveal a stunning dress. I pulled it out so I could see the entire thing and gasped in awe. The off-the-shoulder dress was maroon in colour and looked to come down to about mid-thigh. It had a gorgeous lace overlay which made it look elegant. "Kudz!" Wrapping her arms around me, Kudzai laughed.

"I'm glad you like it, now go put it on while I change into mine." I practically ran into my bedroom, not even bothering to close the door as I was so eager to try it on. I changed into more suitable underwear (the fact they were sexy were a bonus) and then slipped on the dress. I couldn't contain my smile as I looked at myself in the mirror - the dress looked even better on and fit like a glove. The bottom half flared out ever so slightly which gave me a bit of figure; I certainly wasn't complaining.

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