Chapter 99

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On my way back to the hotel with Charles, Kudzai sent me a text. It confirmed that I would be having my team dinner with Red Bull, however it was much sooner than expected. Dan was due to pick me up from my room at eight o'clock in the evening as I was his plus-one. Mila was unable to make the dinner due to work which saved me from having to sit next to Max for the entire evening. Tomorrow was going to be busy with the meal and the race debrief.

"Can you help me pick out a dress?" I asked Charles as he flicked through a menu. It may be nearing midnight but the pair of us were hungry. During the race, we lost in average 4% of our body mass just through sweat so I needed to make that back up.

"Decide the food, first," he told me, handing out the menu for me to take. I stretched over from my position on the bed, letting out a strained noise. "Don't be so dramatic, chamallow."

"I really want pizza." I tossed the menu back to him after a quick glance. "I think I deserve it."

"I won't tell Lizzie if you don't tell Andrea, deal?" He stuck out his pinky. I didn't hesitate to wrap my little finger around his in a legally binding deal, a wide smile forming on my face.


"While I order, why don't you go show me your dresses?" Charles suggested.

I had three possible dresses that I could wear to the Red Bull event and had already hung them up in my wardrobe. Excitedly, I grabbed the dresses and their hangers, as well as a pair of black heels and bounced into the bathroom. I re-hung the dresses on the shower rack before taking off the first dress.

It came up quite short since I was fairly tall but it was still a decent length. The peach fabric flared out slightly from just below the rib and and a mesh, polka dot layer over the skirt. It allowed me to show some Force India colour whilst still looking fancy enough for a dinner. After slipping on the dress and heels, I hesitantly stepped out into the main room to find Charles laying on the bed. Upon seeing me, he sat up a lot straighter.

His mouth parted slightly as he looked at me. I have a little twirl on the spot and leaned against the doorframe. "So? What do you think?"

"Tu es la plus belle fille que j'ai jamais vue."

"I heard 'belle' and I know that's good," I said with a grin. "There are still two more so make sure you remember what it looks like." Charles paused for a moment before he nodded his head.

I headed back into the bathroom and slipped out of the dress. After hanging it back up, I pulled down the next dress and put it on. This one grazed the floor and was a red satin material. There was a slit running up my left leg which stopped at the top of my thigh. The neckline was standard but I'd need to wear a strapless bra since the straps were only spaghetti.

"Ready?" I called, hiding behind the door frame as it swung open. Charles let out a noise of agreement so I started by jokingly sticking my bare leg out.

Charles let out a groan which made me chuckle in amusement. "You're teasing me now, chamallow."

"Sorry," I stumbled out, catching myself on the doorframe go steady myself. "Here's my second dress. I wore this one to my prom."

"Prom?" Charles's eyes widened in surprise. "You wore that dress to prom? It's just so," he paused whilst thinking of a word, "sexy."

"You think?" I twirled on the spot and gave him a smile. "That's the vibe I was going with at prom but it didn't get me laid."

"Maybe second time lucky?"

I let out a short laugh. "You're funny." Before he could say anything else, I had ran back into the bathroom to try on my third and final dress.

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