Chapter 117

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Everyone told me that I could trust Charles with anything. I trusted him one hundred percent with everything I had so my mind didn't even think of him when I got the first sad look of the Friday. My mind brushed it off as a one-time thing. It was Max's engineer after all. Perhaps he knew that I hadn't spoken to the Dutch boy since Tuesday? The two had a good relationship so it wouldn't be surprising.

I didn't bother coming to the track in the morning as the first practice session was given to Esteban's new teammate for next season. Whilst George Russell drove the Williams, Lance was out there driving my car. I couldn't bare to watch in case he inflicted any damage to it, or at least that was what I was telling people. In reality, I wanted to minimise the risk of me running into him after his session. We were far from being on good terms and I didn't want to see him, especially when I'm not in the greatest state of mind. Lance's infuriating face doesn't deserve to see me cry.

Because of my late appearance, I missed the driver get-together that was being held that morning. It wouldn't have been much so it didn't bother me. We'd be all meeting up after FP2 to discuss any issues with the track, whether it be its layout, or surface, or pitlane. I doubt it'll be an overly long meeting since this a fairly flat, simple circuit with few issues to be found. There are fewer issues with high curbs here, however the track limits can sometimes catch you out and be infuriating.

Walking through the paddock with little time until the start of the next session, I was rushing slightly. I had yet to put my suit on. The other drivers on the grid are already probably prepping to get in, however I had a hold up because of a teensy breakdown. Luckily, Lando was there for me over the phone.

"Alyssa!" A familiarly feminine voice called to my right. I came to an immediate halt and turned to the blonde Dutch girl jogging over. Victoria wrapped me up in a tighter-than-normal hug which I put down to the fact I haven't seen her in person in weeks.

"Hey," I greeted with as much enthusiasm as I could muster. When she could see my face again, I apologetically frowned. "Look, I'm sorry but I'm really in a rush. Can we catch up later?"

She nodded her head understandingly. "Of course. I just wanted to make sure you were okay, you know, with everything going on and all."

"I- what? What do you mean? I'm fine."

"Max told me about your mum..." Vic trailed off, her voice dropping in sincerity. A cold sweat suddenly took over my body and my heart felt like it had come to a halt in my chest. How did she know? How did Max know? Who else knows and who fucking told them?

"Oi, Archer!" My thoughts didn't get a chance to be spoken out-loud before a voice was calling my name. My mouth was still slightly parted and my face felt unusually cold for this location as I spun to look at Bob. It was a surprise to see him without the Force India polo shirt on, however he was always welcome in their area for his hard work for the first half of the season. "You're needed to get back to work. Enough dawdling."

"Who..." was all of my question I could get out to Vic. My eyes began to well up but a hand dragged my arm to pull me away from the conversation. Robert had never been the most patient. I was in too much shock to even properly greet him.

"I hope you're not this late next season," Bob chuckled to himself as he lead me away from Vic. His hand was loosely wrapped around the upper part of my arm. "If Otmar would've caught you just chatting he'd have- woah, what's wrong?" It took him a while but he finally noticed my negative expression. It had gotten to the point where I couldn't see the direction I was headed because of the unspilt tears. "C'mon, kid, talk to me. It's what you're good at."

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