Chapter 49

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"Well done." My mum gave me a small smile as I walked into the hospitality room with a spring in my step. I had just changed out of my gear and thrown my hair into a messy ponytail so that I wouldn't be recognised. Although there were other people around, the majority of them worked closely with me in Force India so knew of my identity. Since they weren't allowed to give anything away, I received small smiles and hidden thumbs up, that's opposed to the hugs and shoulder shakes I receive in the garage.

"Thanks, mum." I gave her a brief hug; she wasn't one for prolonged touching. "Are you going to watch the race tomorrow from the garage, too? It's so cool because you'll be able to hear everything and-"

"Alyssa, sweetie," my mum interrupted. She had her eyebrows slightly furrowed, exposing the soft lines of wrinkles on her forehead. "I don't know if I'll be able to make it tomorrow."

"To the garage?" I asked, hopeful. "You could just watch it from here instead-"


"-I'm sure they can bring you coffee and tea-"


"-or maybe even snacks depending on what you-"

"Alyssa!" My mum's voice was raised and her glare was hard. I fell silent and looked down at my hands. "Would you just listen to me for one second?" When I didn't say anything, she continued. "I don't think I'll be able to make the race at all."

I took a step back and looked at my mum's face for any sign that she was joking, but she looked deadly serious. I couldn't help but frown. "But tomorrow is the most important day, are you sure you can't at least be here for me?"

She sighed. "I have places I need to be."

"Yeah," I folded my arms across my chest, "like right here!"

"Stop being so dramatic." My mum rolled her eyes. "I'll at least watch the highlights later, isn't that enough?"

I scoffed. "You're unbelievable. What could possibly be more important?"

"I've been asked to watch your little cousins whilst your aunt Harriet works. I couldn't exactly say no because then they'd start asking questions about you job."

"That's bullshit and you know it." If possible, my mum looked even madder upon hearing me swear. I saw her bite her lips together in an attempt of keeping quiet. "She works in a school and knows about my job. So what's the real reason, huh?"

"Do you really want to know?"

"Yes! That's why I asked!" I rubbed my face is exasperation. This wasn't the first time my mum has ever lied to me, however it was the first time I called her out on it. Thankfully the only people in the building with us were members of Force India who knew who I was or else I'd have to do a lot of explaining later.

"Fine!" She threw her hands up into the air. "I hate racing!" Oh no she didn't. "I don't think it's a reliable job and all you're essentially doing is driving around in circles, risking your life. I don't want to have to clean up the mess if you end up in a bad accident because God knows it'll be me having to do everything."

"Why only mention it now? I've been karting for years."

"But it was a hobby back then. Trust your father to go and put these ideas in your head-"

"Don't you dare say anything bad about him." My voice was low and dangerous. My father has always been a touchy subject for me ever since his death (which she is aware of) so when anything bad is said about him, I flip. "He encouraged me because he believed in me. I thought you did, too."

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