Chapter 50

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British GP.

Race day. Tensions were high in the garage for the entirety of the morning. The mechanics seemed to have found an issue with Esteban's gearbox which required an immediate change. Because of this, he will have a five-place grid penalty which puts him behind Gasly at the start - definitely not where the team would like him to be. This issue also meant that he would be running a different strategy to what was originally planned, adding yet more stress on the already tense crew.

Even on my side of the garage, where things were running smoother, morale was low. The mechanics kept on checking over every little aspect of my car just to ensure that there wouldn't be any problem going unnoticed. Cal looked particularly unsettled as he paced around the car, watching the mechanics closely and critiquing their approach. I, too, didn't feel at ease. Since my mum decided that she wasn't going to watch my race and support me any more, there's been a dull feeling of betrayal in my chest.

I knew that we wouldn't win the race if everyone wasn't feeling inspired so I decided to take it upon myself and give a motivational speech. Clearing my throat, I stood up on an overturned bucket so that everyone could see me. "Uh, can I have everyone's attention?"

I was met with blank stares, a few people even continued to work. "I'm sure you can step away from my car for one second without it exploding." I joked. The mechanic I was talking to sheepishly looked up, scratching the back of their neck. "Thank you. So, uh, I take it you all know who I am. If you don't, you probably shouldn't be in here." I awkwardly laughed along with a few of the mechanics, the majority of them cracking the first smile I've seen from them today. "Look - I know that this past week has been tough. The next few weeks before the summer break probably will be, too, but we shouldn't let that distract us from the fact that we've got a pretty fucking fast car and the chance of a podium. We wouldn't be Force India without all of your hard work and resilience, nothing should ever be able to take away from that. Even under new management, you are what makes this company so great. No matter what happens today, I'm so bloody thankful for all of your hard work. I can't even begin to thank you enough for the great season we've had so far, despite my little hiccups. Keep up the great work, team, and don't work yourself too hard."

A round of applause sounded throughout the garage which brought a smile to my face. People's spirits seemed to have been lifted slightly - they began to move with their shoulders pulled back and an upbeat smile. Robert approached me as I stepped back down off the bucket and placed a hand on my shoulder.

"You're good, kid. That's just what they needed."

"Thanks. Since it's my home Grand Prix, I want everyone to enjoy it as much as I will." I replied.

"You should probably go and get changed into your gear since we're going on on track soon. I think it'll be nice if you can sign some bits at the fence." Robert patted my back in encouragement and smiled warmly.

"Yeah," I agreed, "The fans would appreciate that."


Sitting in the cockpit waiting for the rest of the pack to fill the grid was the most nerve-wrecking part of the race. My heart felt like it was in my throat as I nervously drummed my fingers agains the side of the steering wheel. It also felt like I was waiting for an eternity as I checked my mirrors again and again until the final car drove into place. I looked back up to see the first red light flash on the screen, the rest of them following. My grip was tight on the steering wheel as all five lights were visible.

Lights Out. Either Lewis had a poor start or I had an incredible one as I had already gotten past him before the first corner. In my mirrors, I saw Seb battling with the Mercedes, Lewis having to defend hard as the other Ferrari came into the mix. There was no denying that Seb was incredibly quick and we hadn't even reached the fifth corner before I was under pressure.

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