Chapter 105

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Race day.

The only thing I had heard back from the FIA when I arrived at the paddock on race day morning was 'we'll keep an eye on the situation'. It didn't offer me much reassurance, to be completely honest. Charles especially wasn't satisfied when Kudzai had handed me a printed letter with their reply. His protests filled my driver room, then followed us in grumbles as we walked together to the driver's parade. I wouldn't be taking part because I'm not known as a driver yet, however I thought it would be a good chance to wish the other drivers luck (and confront Daniel about his loose lips).

My phone had been confiscated so the only way for anyone to contact me was through Kudzai. Luckily, she had my brothers number so I could call him to tell him. I lied about the sabotage in our brief phone call (obviously) and just told him I had lost it when I went sightseeing around Mexico City.

Charles held my hand tightly in his during the short journey across. He appeared just as paranoid as I was, looking around at everyone as if they were a potential saboteur.

"I can't believe the FIA are letting you race," he said under his breathe as he waved nonchalantly to a colleague. "It's so dangerous!"

"I know." I sighed and squeezed his hand in reassurance. "I guess if anything does happen, they'll have hard evidence that someone is trying to sabotage me." Even though I was trying to convince Charles that things would be okay, I had yet to convince myself. I didn't feel safe getting into that cockpit but I knew that I'd have to. Why do I let this get the better of me?

"What if something does happen to you and you end up hurt? I can't let that happen."

"Have you seen the safety of these cars?" I nudged him deliberately as we approached the building.

"You still managed to get hurt in Baku," Charles pointed out in a hushed voice.

He had a point. "Well, uh..." I trailed of as I waited to be struck with a thought that would reassure him. "Oh! That was only because I crashed into a concrete wall, and there's not a lot of chance of that happening at high speed."

He rolled his eyes. "Because that's reassuring."

"Your focus needs to be on the race, okay? Not on me. The FIA are keeping an eye on things and my car was kept under watch whilst the suspension was being fixed."

"The FIA haven't been the most reliable." His lips were still turned in a small frown when we stopped outside the room where drivers had already started to gather.

"I'm going to be a Mercedes driver - that's got to count for something."

Charles managed a small chuckle as he shook his head. "How are you so calm?"

'I'm not. I feel like I could be sick at any moment,' is what I wanted to say. Instead a blatant lie escaped my lips as I knew it was the only way to get him to focus on his race ahead, rather than mine. "Meditation."

"Since when do you meditate?"

"That's beside the point," I gently pushed his chest and drummed the fingers of my other hand against my thigh. "The point is I'm going to be fine. I feel fine, I look fine-"

"Yeah you do, chérie."

"-but most importantly, the FIA are going to be keeping an eye on me for any foul play. I'm fine." I ignored his cheeky interruption and pressed both of my hands against his chest. "Now go. You've got to make sure you're in a good mood for the press and parade."

"I'll try."

"Good." At the moment I went to press a kiss against his lips, Pierre pushed in between us with a loud yell. I jumped back in surprise before letting out a laugh at the smug look on the Frenchman's face.

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