Chapter 3

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The twelve days between messaging the Red Bull boys for the first time and flying to the land down-under seemed to pass so quickly and yet simultaneously very slowly. The excitement and anticipation to start the season made the wait drag, however my busy schedule filled in the time so that I was always occupied. In Melbourne, I had a room to myself. During my formula two days, budget limitations meant that I had to share a room with Kudzai. I obviously didn't mind because she was my best friend, however now that she's got Esteban, I'm thankful that I won't be forced to endure the sounds of their late night 'cuddling'. She was only in the room next door with my teammate so hopefully the walls aren't paper thin. 

The flight was murder. Because I was coming from London, the entire journey took the best part of twenty four hours with a change over in Dubai. Although the first class seats that I sat in throughout the journey were comfy, Esteban found a way to get under my skin with his constant badgering about Max. No matter how many times Kudzai had told him to shut up, he continued.  It's a shame he didn't fly out with the team as they had done so few days before we did. They were needed in Australia early to ensure that everything was accounted for and ready for the first race of the season.

Midway through unpacking my suitcase (I had definitely overpacked), my phone screen lit up with a text message notification. My eyes glanced over at the name to see it was from Max, and that I had an earlier text from Victoria that I must have missed.

'Hey, schat! Can't wait to finally see you again, the last twelve days have felt like a long time. My sister also wants to see you so if you feel up for it, we can go out for food? Obviously we understand if you're tired from the flight and time zone difference.
-Max 😘'

I couldn't help but smile at how sweet and considerate of my feelings he was. It was stupid that just seeing his name brought a flutter to my stomach, however I'll blame it on the aeroplane food. After checking my schedule and realising that I'm free until six o'clock tonight (it's only just two), I quickly typed my reply, abandoning the half-folded shirt on my bed.

'Sounds good, I'll let you know when I've finished unpacking and we can go then if you're ready.
-Alyssa 😊❤️'

I didn't want to be rude to Max's sister and make her feel like I'd chosen not reply to her message whilst replying to Max's. Victoria's message was a lot more casual than her brothers and genuinely made me chuckle upon reading it. We had FaceTimed a fair bit over the past two weeks, so much so that I considered her one of my closest friends. Our conversations were about everything, yet nothing at all at the same time.

'Hey neuker 😘 what's ur hotel and room, I'm v bored and hungry and max isn't good company. I think he wants food, and tbh so do I. Miss ya lieve
-Vic 😙❤️'

'Hey V, missing you too! The hotel is Grand Millington, room 35 (3rd floor). Bring max with you so you can both help me unpack 😊
-Lys 😙❤️'

Whilst waiting for their replies, I continued to pack away my clothes at a much slower pace than before because I was constantly checking my phone. My main focus was getting all of my underwear, swimwear, and sports gear unpacked into the bottom draw of my room's wardrobe.  Once I was sure the more personal articles of clothing were away, I sat back down on my bed to resume unfolding the shirt on my bed to hang it up. As soon as I picked up the white polo shirt, my phone buzzed with a text from Victoria so I quickly dropped it again.

'Knock knock biatch
-Vic 😙❤️'

I didn't get much chance to process the text before there was an actual knock on my hotel door. My heart skipped a beat in excitement as I jumped over my suitcase to get to the door, almost tripping in the process. I swung open the door, revealing the grinning Verstappen siblings. I let out an involuntary squeal as I pulled the closest, Vic, into a hug. 

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