Chapter 30

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30 chapters already? Damnnn

It's never easier waking up knowing that someone would never do it again. The last time my dad woke up was three years ago today and not a day goes by where I wish I could've had longer with him. Death is cruel and unforgiving, preying on the good hearts as they're the most valuable. Too many people every day are losing the battle against death. You get some rich people who wouldn't even consider donating to charities, greedy minds and empty hearts, and then you have the poorest of people offering their help. It just goes to show that goodness isn't defined by wealth.

I woke up earlier than I usually would with Max's arm draped delicately over my body. The light that shone through the crack in my blinds was positioned so that it hit me directly in the eyes, allowing Max next to me to remain asleep. My phone on my bedside table read 05:29, I didn't need to be up for at least another two hours. Any attempts to fall back asleep were futile and I inevitably got bored enough to move into the living room.

You knew it was early when Murray was still sound asleep on the sofa, his soft snores matching those of Max in the bedroom. Only when I sat down next to him did he stir, looking up momentarily before resting his head down on my thigh. I pulled the throw from the back of the sofa over my body and just sat staring at the same spot on the wall in silence.

I closed my eyes yet again to try and get a couple hours more sleep before my alarm goes off. Instead, I just sat there in my thoughts, remembering the memories I had with my dad.

"You're getting quick." My dad smiled as I stepped out of the kart. I looked up at him and grinned, exposing the recent gap in my teeth from where I had lost a tooth. "One day you'll be a proper racer!"

"I don't think so." I shook my head. "They're all boys."

"And? You're faster than them even if you were to do it with your eyes closed. Heck, you beat me all the time and I drive for a living!"

"Lorries don't count, they barely go the speed limit," I replied, rolling my eyes at my dad's ambitious hopes for my future.

"Not when I'm driving them." He winked, causing me to laugh.

He always knew how to lift my mood no matter how low it was. Being only nine, I didn't think that I could do a lot of things because of what people always tell me. My dad was different to all those people - no matter how mad things were, he told me that as long as I stay true to myself, I can be whatever I want.

"What do you mean she can't drive here? She out-paced all of your drivers!" My dad argued with the owner of the local driving team.

"Dad..." I mumbled, tugging on his arm. "Just leave it, it's fine." I didn't want him to cause a scene. I'm used to rejection by now, he should be too.

"No, Lyssy, it's not. This place is just full of sexist-"

"Dad!" I interrupted, looking at him wide-eyed. He was starting to gain an audience from other parents who had attending the tryouts, their sons however had been successful in gaining a spot.

"Maybe a different sport would better suit your daughter?" The man suggested, looking down at me with a look of disgust. "Racing is a man's sport, we don't need it being claimed by women."

The man ended up getting a black eye whilst my Dad got a written warning. Being thirteen years old, I hated how protective he was of me mostly because I despised unnecessary attention. I had gotten so used to the idea of being rejected by teams that I gave up standing up for myself. Looking back, I am so thankful that I did have my dad there by my side to stand up for what's right. If he hadn't, I probably never would've took the risks that put me where I am today.

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