Chapter 69

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The following weekend away with Vic and her friends was a nice distraction from the fact that I was technically single again. They were all super supportive when they heard the news that Max and I had split, especially Vic whom I had told of the true circumstances behind the break up. To everyone else, I had said that Max and I broke up because we were both too busy with our jobs to maintain a relationship.

Before long, I was expected back at work to prepare for the second half of the season. As soon as my position with the team had been confirmed for the rest of the season, Robert quit his job. There was a small party but he didn't want anything too public. I don't know how I'm going to get through the rest of the season without Max or Bob. I'm going to be very dependent on the support of my teammate and best friend.

The Monday before the Grand Prix in Belgium, Esteban and I, including a few other members from the Force India team, were expected to appear at a karting championship which was being held near Silverstone. The main reason was that the team were scouting for new talent that could either join a Mercedes junior team or start their career in GP3. I wasn't originally meant to be going since I'd much rather stay at home with Kudzai (even though she would've been working) but Esteban convinced Lawrence Stroll to let me go with them. 

"You're not going to sit inside all day, are you?" Esteban said, appearing behind me. He rested against the back of my chair and wrapped his arms around my shoulders. Reluctantly, I put my phone down and looked up at him. I had been taking advantage of the pop-up building that Force India had set up at the karting event.

"Well... it is raining." My gaze drifted outside the window where I saw people rushing about with umbrellas and other various objects to cover their heads.

Esteban dramatically sighed. "I promise your eyebrows won't melt off - you can stand under my umbrella."

It took every ounce of will in my body to not break out into Rihanna's number one hit, 'Umbrella'. Esteban's eyes continued to stare at me, begging. "What would I possibly do?"

"Keep me company." Esteban stated as if it were obvious. "Also, it's impossible to understand some of the accents here. I need you as a translator." Even though I had been outside only briefly, I had heard a variety of accents from all across the country. Some of them even I struggled to understand myself. I pursed my lips in thought. "Please, culotté? I'll buy you lunch."

"Deal." I only agreed because I had forgotten to have breakfast and didn't want to pay the outrageous prices of food. Esteban grinned triumphantly and, without warning, grabbed my hand and pulled me to my feet. I let out a small squeal as I almost dropped my phone, before turning to him with a furrowed brow. "You're on thin fucking ice, Ocon." I pointed a threatening finger as he smiled back innocently.

"C'mon." He linked his arm with mine and lead me to the door. I had stopped him from opening his umbrella indoors because I was brought up superstitious, forcing him to open it up as soon as we stepped outside.

There were people rushing around everywhere, most likely because of the poor weather. The stalls set up for the public took up quite a bit of the designated walk space meaning that it was a task and a half trying to fight our way towards the team stands.

I let out a noise of disgust when my eyes landed on a familiar face. Esteban stopped in his tracks, much to the dismay of those walking behind us, causing me to do the same since our arms were linked. He followed my gaze but looked none the wiser.

"I used to kart at his track with my dad," I said, glaring at the man who was talking to a boy in a racing suit. He still had that stupid looking facial hair that resembled a dead squirrel yet it was littered in quite a few more grey hairs. "That was until he came back from his six month trip abroad and stopped me racing there. He didn't like that a girl drove better than any of his shitty sexist drivers."

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