Chapter 57

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For the entire taxi ride to the hotel I was thinking of ways to bring up that topic with Max. I'm hoping that it'll just become the main focus since he does seem to be talking about kids a lot. I was mostly worried about how he'd react, something that seems to always be on my mind whenever I have to tell him something. It's so hard to read that man sometimes and his reaction will almost definitely depend on the mood he's in, but I am determined not to stall for any longer. I wanted the journey to last forever, however it was only a short drive to the hotel and before long, I was paying the driver and walking into the hotel.

Just breathe, Lys. I tried to keep my mind focused on the task ahead only that made me worry even more. My body cannot deal with this much stress at the moment. Honestly, if anything else is thrown at me right now that may even remotely have an impact on me, I'm going to go into shutdown mode. I haven't properly cried since Max's and I's little break.

I scanned the key card into the door, my shaking hands not making it easy. I would've thought Max would be either getting ready for bed or already asleep, however he was sat with his head in his hands on the couch.

"Max?" I asked, concerned. His head lifted up to meet my gaze only to fall back into his hands. "Love, what's wrong?" I dropped my bag on the floor and immediately took the seat next to him. Max didn't say anything and just rested his head against my shoulder.

It was odd. I have never known him to be so quiet. From the looks of it, he just needed to be comforted at the moment so I wrapped and arm around his shoulder and hugged him as best I could.

"Why did you finish so late?" Max finally spoke. He didn't sound angry, or even sad - his tone was undistinguishable.

"I wanted to get some last minute work done so that I can nail this race weekend." I truthfully replied, playing with his fingers. "I then spoke with Susie; she said there will probably be a seat free at Mercedes next year."

"There will also be a free seat at Red Bull."

My eyebrows furrowed together in confusion before worry set in. "Wait, they haven't dropped you have they?"

"No." Max sat up and shook his head. He took a deep breathe, "Daniel has signed a contract with Renault for next season."

"What?" I exclaimed in disbelief. "Why?"

Max shrugged. "We're changing back to Honda engines next year, and Dan said he wanted a change in scenery. I haven't managed to have a full conversation with him yet so I'm not sure if there's anything else. He'll probably release a full statement to the press soon, or whenever the news is released."

"Are you okay?" I could tell that he wasn't. Him and Daniel were one of the closest driver pairings of all time. It was rare that you saw one without the other and it was clear to anyone that they got along. The change could mean that he won't be able to see Dan as much.

"It's just come as a shock. I thought we were going to be teammates for the next few seasons."

"Max..." I didn't know what to say as I, too, was in shock. Daniel had never shown any signs of wanting to change teams even with the reliability issues of the Red Bull. I wrapped my arms around his neck and gave him a hug. His went straight around my waist whilst his head buried in my neck.

"Did you want to be my teammate next year?" Max sounded as if he was pleading, although we both know that it could never happen.

"I'm associated with Mercedes. If I wasn't, I'd definitely want to. Although I don't know how you'll cope being my number two driver." I teased, letting out a small laugh as his stubble tickled my neck.

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