Chapter 56

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Pierre's words had been clouding my mind ever since that night. I couldn't help but feel my stomach drop every time Max interacted with a young fan; he just looked so happy. It seemed as if he didn't even notice anything was wrong, or he just chose not to say anything. He, too, appeared to be a little quieter ever since the news of Kudzai's pregnancy was released. I love him with every fibre of my being but I don't think I'm ready to have children, not even for a while. We have only been together for a few months however it seems like an eternity.

On the Friday, I decided to spend my evening down at the garage, helping the team with the data we had collected from FP1 and FP2. Not only was it because I was still trying to figure Max out, but also for the fact that this is the last race weekend before the mid-season break and I wanted to get the highest outcome possible. A couple of seat rumours had been floating around recently, including one where Lewis could retire at the end of this season. Another driver rumoured to be leaving is Fernando, however this would be less of a shock as he's been complaining about the McLaren car since he got it.

"Lys, dear, you've been staring at that screen for the past five minutes." Paula said, snapping me out of a daydream. I blinked a couple of times, suddenly aware of how dry my eyes had gotten before placing my head in my hands. A hand placed on my shoulder and I could tell it was Paula. "It's getting late, dear. Maybe you should call it a day?"

"No." I mumbled, sitting up and rubbing the eyes in an attempt to make myself more alert. "I need to get this weekend perfect or I might not have a seat next season."

"You shouldn't be worrying about that. Your talent is undeniable." Paula tried to reason. "But you won't be performing at your best if you're not well rested."

"I'll get an extra hour sleep in the morning." I dismissed, returning my attention back to the screen. I heard Paula sigh before she walked away. The screen displayed my sector times from every lap I had completed so I could see how the tyres wore down. There was a possibility of rain for the race on Sunday so I don't know how useful this data would be.

I jotted some notes down on a pad of paper and before I knew it, I had filled two pages. A lot of information was needing to be processed still so I continued to work.

"Archer!" I let out a sigh as Robert's voice echoed around the empty room. I dropped my pen in annoyance and turned to see him standing in the doorway with a stern look on his face. "Why are you still here?"

"Working." I replied. "Well, I was before you interrupted me."

"It's ten o'clock."

"And?" I snapped, spinning around to face him once again. I immediately realised the harshness of my tone and quickly dropped my gaze. "I'm sorry, it's just that I'm really stressed at the moment."

Robert smiled sympathetically as he sat down on the chair adjacent to mine. "I know, kid. I know the stress you're under because I'm under it, too." I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion before he elaborated. "I'm trying so hard to keep two of the best drivers on the current grid in my team, or at least find them another seat. I guess it's not really my team anymore with Lawrence Stroll as investor."

"Esteban's been performing so much better than me..." I sighed. "And now he's having a baby I really don't want him to lose a seat."

"There's no denying that Esteban has been a strong driver all season, but that doesn't take away from the fact that you have, too. Sure, there have been incidents, most of which were out of your control, but you have talent in the gallons running through your veins. I promise you that I am working my hardest so that it won't go to waste." Robert placed a hand on my shoulder. "Keep your chin up, kid."

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