Chapter 85

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This is my 100th published part to the book (inc all the championship standings and stuff) and it's also Easter so I've decided to double upload!

My visor was down as I brushed through the groups of photographers waiting for the drivers to leave. I was walking with purpose to the room where the team principals would be gathering, my heart beating fast with anticipation over what's going to happen next. My career is on the line and the only way of getting it back is to prove to Otmar that he would be wrong for dropping me. I'd rather be able to talk to him one on one rather than in front of everyone as I don't want to draw anymore unnecessary attention to myself.

I inhaled sharply as rounded a corner, finding the last of the team principals, more specifically Christian Horner, walking into one of the meeting room. With my fingers crossed that Otmar will be in there and I'd be able to talk to him alone, I hastily moved towards the door, catching it just as it was about to close. I was met with confused faces when I closed the door behind me.

As soon as I was sure there were no cameras or people who were unaware of my identity in the room, I pulled off my helmet and tucked it under my arm.

"Mr Szafnauer, I think we need to talk," my eyes shifted from him to the many eyes watching me. "Maybe somewhere where there isn't so many pe-"

"There's nothing to talk about Miss Archer," Otmar's stare was cold and intense. "You're done - get over it."

"No," I shook my head, clenching my fist by my side in anger. "You don't get to dictate my future."

"It's not my fault you've made so many mistakes this season. Your selfishness and stupidity just sealed your fate for you. Maybe if did less thinking for yourself and more for your team, I wouldn't have to make decisions like this."

"Woah, woah, woah, what's going on here?" Christian's eyes were wide as he stepped in between Otmar and me.

My breathing was deep and shaky and I felt my whole body tense up. This was exactly the kind of situation I was trying to avoid because I knew that I was one wrong word away from breaking on the spot. Everyone in the room was watching us closely just like the drivers had done and I somehow felt more uncomfortable than when I was shouted at.

"I've been dropped," I said through gritted teeth. I tried to match Otmar's stare but quickly looked back down to the floor.

"You lied about an injury, putting the safety of the other drivers at risk."

"Injury?" Christian inquired.

"I fractured my hand on Friday but it's not been having an impact on my performance. If it was a danger, I wouldn't be stupid enough to drive," I said the last part with a small glare to Otmar as he had implied that I was incompetent at making decisions for myself.

Otmar folded his arms across his chest, "I don't think that's your call to make."

"Well I made it and I out-qualified my teammate... again. You can't possibly be mad with my performance this weekend," I let out a small scoff.

"That doesn't justify your performance all season. You are behind your teammate in the championship standings-"

"That's because I've had two DNFs, both not my fault by the way, and I didn't start the French GP. Esteban's only DNFd the once, although it wasn't his fault either. Our points cannot be compared to our performance because they are not a good reflection of our abilities," Despite wanting to curl up into a ball and my racing heart, I stood my ground. "I am a good driver."

"'Good' isn't good enough in this sport."

"Well it's a good thing Alyssa's a phenomenal driver then," Christian placed a hand on my shoulder and offered me a small smile of reassurance. He seemed to sense my discomfort of confrontation which lifted a small weight off my chest. I'm glad someone has faith in me. "There's got to be a bigger reason for dropping her mid-season."

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