Chapter 2

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Despite knowing that I had consumed large quantities of alcohol the previous night, I was still taken by surprise at the sheer intensity of my hangover. A large part of me was disappointed that my teenage years hadn't prepared me to be more tolerable to higher volumes of alcohol in my system. I rarely get hangovers so I knew that, despite the pain, the night (especially the hazy parts) were incredibly fun. 

The last thing I wanted to do when I awoke the following morning was pack up the remainder of my possessions. Because of my pounding head and permanent state of nausea, my packing was slow and we subsequently almost missed the final call for boarding onto our flight. The lateness wasn't entirely my fault, though, as Kudzai was unable to find her passport. That was until she remembered it was in her hand luggage almost half an hour after we should have jumped in a cab. The midday Barcelona traffic certainly didn't help and added a significant amount of time onto our journey to the airport. The pair of us must've looked incredibly crazy when we ran full pelt to baggage collection and then through security until we finally reached the boarding platform.

The short flight to London, Gatwick, seemed to drag out for an eternity. Maybe it was because of a screaming baby that could be heard even in first class, or the fact that my head had its own pulse, or that I threw up into the designated sick bags twice. I'm certain that the winds decided to pick up just as our plane began to make its descent which was far from appreciated. Despite being a frequent flyer for my job, I definitely wasn't keen on the take offs or landing. My distaste was highlighted even more with a hangover.

After a total of six hours travelling, we finally arrived back at my apartment, which was situated in an upper-class area on the outskirts of Milton Keynes. With a huff, I dropped my bags onto the floor and shuffled around the front pocket of my carry-on for my keys. I was very tired at this point so it took me a lot longer than it should've to realise that they weren't in there and that Kudzai was sheepishly holding them in her hand.

"Sorry, Lys." She bit her lip to stop her smile from growing. With a frown, I snatched the keys from her hand and shoved them into the lock. It took a few jingles before it finally turned and I pushed the door open.

Almost all of the negative emotions were lost when I was greeted at the door by the most important man in my life - Murray the Eurasier. Oh, and Damien was there, too. He had been house sitting and looking after Murray for me whilst I was in Spain. The main reason he agreed was because Marcus was in Qatar for the MotoGP race so their shared house was empty. At least he'd have Murray for company when staying at mine. I only managed to give my sweet angel of a dog a small fuss before Damien appeared in the doorway to the living room, a wide grin on his face.

"What up, bitches?" Damien exclaimed, pulling Kudzai and I into a double hug before we even had a chance to close the door behind us. I laughed into his shoulder and swayed as he rocked from side to side. As soon as his grip loosened again, I crouched back down to the dog who was scratching my leg just to try and get some attention. Even though he was a small dog, Murray had enough energy to almost knock me backwards to the floor.

"Aw, I've missed you!" I cooed, squishing my dog's cheeks and grinning from ear to ear. Whenever I spoke to Murray, my voice seemed to rise into a higher pitch. The same goes for almost all animals.

"Wow, she cares more about the dog than me." Damien playfully rolled his eyes. He picked up one of my bags and carried it through to my room. I would have thanked him but I was a little preoccupied by my dog.

"I can't even argue because it's true," I said with a smile. As Murray wasn't an overly large dog, I picked him up and carried him into the living room/kitchen so that we were out of the way of the door. After that, I was able to move the luggage into our respective rooms.

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