Chapter 54

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I ended up getting my revenge on Charles at the next race weekend in Germany. Since I didn't end up going to the press meetings after the race (the results were not great for the team anyway - P6 for me, P7 for Esteban - so it didn't matter), I decided to hide out in Charles' changing room and not only scare him, but also swap his clothes to ones that I had printed my face on. My original plan was to scare him but Max bad suggested the clothes idea. There were four items of clothing: a t-shirt; jeans (my face was only on the pockets); shoes; a watch which had its face replaced with mine. To get it all done was actually pretty expensive but it'll definitely be worth it if he wears them all.

I turned off the lights and sat down on the bench in the centre of the room. My phone pinged.

'He's just leaving now, expect him soon. You better film his face
-Marcus E 💥'

'Already got my camera in position... he's gonna kill me
-Charles's dream 🍭'

I hit record on the camera upon hearing a pair of footsteps outside of the door. With my breathe held in anticipation, I bit my lip to stop me from laughing. Slowly, the door handle creaked down and a doorway lit up with the light from the hall. I crouched down just so that I could see if it was definitely Charles (it was) before jumping out.

"Boo!" I shouted. The poor guy jumped about a foot in the air and his back hit against the wall. The expression on his face was priceless and immediately I felt myself unable to hold in my laughter.

"Enculer!" Charles put a hand on his chest and crouched down to his knees. "Alyssa, oh my god."

"Got you!" I childishly taunted. I quickly turned the camera off and went to run past him out of the room but his reflexes were incredibly fast. His hand grabbed my wrist and pulled me back into the room before he pushed me against the wall. He pinned both of my arms above my head and looked most unimpressed when I still didn't stop laughing.

He was dangerously close to my face, so much so that I could feel his breathe on my skin. "You're going to regret that."

"Haha, yeah, okay. Just wait until you see your clothes." I watched in amusement as his eyes darted to the pile of clothes on the seat, my face just visible on them in the dim light. They then fell back on me. In one swift movement, his hands dropped from my wrists to my waist and he hoisted me over his shoulder. I let out a squeal as he ran out of the room. I repeatedly tried to hit his back as I was upside down but he had a firm grip of my legs. "Charles!"

He ran through the Sauber centre earning a fair few dodgy looks, along with some amused faces. I saw Marcus and tried to reach for him but he just drew his arm back and started filming. The little shit. Charles then decided to move outside with me still on his shoulder. I could tell that he had a cheeky grin on his face as a few media cameras began to swarm.

"Max!" I noticed the Dutch boy in the crowd looking rather confused at the commotion. Upon seeing me, the confusion changed to a small smile and he jogged over to Charles and I. The blood rushing to my head was beginning to take effect as I clumsily reached for his hand.

"I take it she got you?" Max questioned, placing a hand on my lower leg.


"I tried telling her not to, but you know how she is." I looked at Max in disbelief as a cheeky grin crept up onto his lips. "Do what you want with her, but just remember she has a boyfriend."

Everyone's being a little shit today. All of the people that Charles ran past with me over his shoulder that knew me all stood back and laughed rather than actually helping me. This included Esteban who was walking out of a press session, talking to an interviewer.

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