Chapter 38

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With the pace our cars had been showing all weekend, Force India should be able to out qualify the Red Bulls easily. In all three of the three practice sessions, Esteban and I had placed ahead of at least one of the drivers (usually Max). The only issue we seemed to face were those damned sausage kerbs on the exits of turns five and eight. Although the kerbs were at every corner, those two were the places where they seems to really impact our laps if we were to run slightly wide. So far between Esteban and I, we have required three front wing changes yesterday alone. Thankfully the practice earlier today didn't cause any damage to the cars before qualifying kicked off.

Whilst waiting to be told to get into my car, I sat down for a chat with my strategist, Paula. There were no cameras allowed in this area so I could freely talk without my helmet on. Also, no unauthorised personnel had access to this room so there was no risk of anyone finding out.

"Anything troubling you, dear?" Paula asked, handing me over a mug of tea. I wasn't strictly allowed to have it so close to qualifying, but what Robert didn't know won't hurt him.

"There's always something troubling me." I sighed, taking a sip of the hot liquid. "This time it's Max."

"He hasn't met up with another girl, has he? If he ever does I'll-"

"No, Paula." I replied whilst trying to hide my smile behind my mug from her reaction. "I'm just so nervous about telling him. Tuesday just seems to be rolling around so much quicker than I thought and I'm worried I'm not going to be ready. Ik ben zo'n idioot."

"Oh, dear." Paula set aside her mug and placed her hand on my knee comfortingly. "I don't think you'll ever be ready for something like that but you'll just have to do it. Just think of it this way - would you rather he find out from you, or from some rumour?"

I let out a sigh, knowing that she was right. "Obviously from me."

"All you have to do is blurt it out and it'll be out there. The rest will follow, no matter what it may be."

"Between you and Lizzie, I have great therapy sessions." I chuckled.

"It's because I'm so wise, dear." Paula laughed, tapping her temple with her index finger. "My daughters are a couple of years older than you so I know how to deal with any kind of situation thrown at me." 

"Which is why you're an amazing strategist, as well."

"You're too kind, dear. I-" Paula was interrupted by the door opening. Esteban popped his head around the corner and grinned at me.

"We're starting in five, get in the car." Esteban bluntly said, standing in the doorway waiting for me to move.

I turned to Paula apologetically. I opened my mouth to speak but she cut me off before any words got out. "Just get in the car and drive, dear. Just know I'm usually working late here if you want to chat again."

"Thanks Paula." I smiled, before Esteban was dragging my wrist. "Oi! Wait! I haven't got my helmet on." Whilst Esteban rolled his eyes, I fitted everything back into place and slipped my helmet over my head. I opened my visor so that I could see Esteban more clearly.

"You good?" Esteban asked as we walked through the building.

"It's just 'A' stuff." I shrugged, holding open a door so that he could walk through. "I'm telling Max on Tuesday."

"Oh shit." Esteban said, his eyes going wide from shock. "Good luck."

"Thanks." I offered him a smile. "I'm surprised Kudzai didn't tell you; it's all she's been talking about since I told her."

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