Chapter 66

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It was one thing having Max acting strange around me, but I wasn't prepared for Charles to start doing the same. He couldn't even stay in the same room with me. When we were out as a group, Charles would either sit or walk as far away from me as possible. I tried to confront him but he just made up an excuse like: 'sorry, my phone's ringing', even though his screen was switched off. It was more frustrating than anything because he was the person that I wanted to confide in after telling him about my current job situation.

"Schatje?" Max's voice snapped me out of my thoughts. I looked up at my boyfriend who was leaning on the doorway. "Did you hear what I said?"

"No, sorry," I apologetically mumbled, scratching the back of my neck which was cool with sweat. I had been laying in the sun for about an hour now, Kudzai and Mila beside me for company. They both gave me the same odd look as I sat up. "What was it?"

"I just asked if you wanted me to bring you back any food? I'm off to pick up Pierre and Cate from the airport. I'll only be about an hour since I'm collecting them from Faro rather than Lisbon."

"No thanks, I'm not hungry." I replied. "Have a safe journey."

Max hesitated before leaving, sharing a look with Kudzai which I rolled my eyes at. I returned to letting my skin soak up the sun. Yesterday, I made great progress with my tan when we went to the market since I wore as little clothing as possible. Max couldn't even get annoyed since all of the other girls (Kudzai, Mila, and Jack's girlfriend, Emily) were wearing the same amount as me.

"Lys... I haven't seen you eat since lunch yesterday, even then it was just some fruit." Kudzai's voice was quiet, probably so that no one could hear her other than me. Mila was within earshot but seemed more interested in watching Dan in the pool. "Is everything alright?"

I tipped my sunglasses down my nose so I could look directly into her eyes. "Kudz, I'm fine."

"Max said you've been quiet; I've noticed it, too. He also said that you got a phone call from Bob. Did he say anything, or-"

"Kudzai, it's fine. I've got everything under control." I brushed off her worried look by pushing my sunglasses up the bridge of my nose.

"It doesn't look like you've got your eating under control." Kudzai knew that my eating was a sensitive subject and sure to hit a nerve, yet she decided to go and bring it up anyways. I pursed my lips and restrained myself from snapping at her since that would be a red flag to her that something is wrong. I really don't want to burden her with any more problems and put her under any unnecessary stress. Mila briefly looked at me, a sympathetic smile on her face. I could tell that she was trying not to listen, but Kudzai's voice has a tendency to carry. "Your stomach isn't supposed to go in like that."

"It's probably just the heat." I went to reach for the cup by my bed to take a sip of water but noticed it was empty. Perfect. "Now, if you don't mind me, I'm just going to get myself another drink. I don't want to get dehydrated."

As I began to quickly walk back into the house, Kudzai called out: "But you're fine with wasting away?" I stopped in my tracks upon noticing that a few people (Charles, Robert, and Esteban) had heard her and were staring at me strangely. It took every fibre in my body not to shout back at her, but I didn't want to be mad at my best friend.

Robert was standing in the doorway, a frown on his lips when I tried to brush past him. "Krolik." He stuck out his arm to block my path but I ducked under it easily. I went straight to the kitchen and avoided anybody that may have heard Kudzai. I was aware the someone was following me, but I didn't want to confront whoever it was.

I dropped my cup in the sink when the person who had followed spun me around and pulled me into a hug. I tried to push against their chest but their grip was too tight.

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