Chapter 52

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I don't think I'll ever hear the end of Daniel boasting about how he 'saved my relationship'. He acted as if I was forever in debt for his selfless actions, and to be honest, I was. Although not everything is fully resolved yet between Max and I (at times we can get a little tense), I am thankful for Daniel forcing me to talk to him as, in all honesty, I probably wouldn't have done it myself. The outcome of our little 'chat' was also something to be thankful for, and Daniel knew it too. As soon as the Aussie had walked into the room to find us sat actually within a metre of each other, he commented on the smell of sex in the air with his cheekiest grin yet. His messy hair suggested that he, too, had a good time with Mila.

The following week, I didn't see as much of Max as I would've hoped. It wasn't either of our faults, but rather due to the fact that our schedules were extremely busy. Everyone now knew that we were together again (although we didn't technically break up) and things were slowly returning to normal. Life would've been great if the tightrope that was my career wasn't getting thinner and thinner the more Lawrence Stroll invested into the business. One wrong move and I would lose my balance and fall off of the F1 grid, being replaced by the Canadian. Rumours had been going around that Lance would get the Force India seat before the end of the season, creating high tensions amongst the two sides of the garage.

Luckily, Esteban and I haven't had any arguments, well, any arguments surrounding our careers. We did argue over who left the empty carton in the fridge, though, which was actually me but I remembered too late into the argument and wasn't going to back down after I initiated the whole thing... oops.

The weekend was quick to roll around meaning that so was my job of babysitting little Daisy. Charles stayed true to his promise and picked me and Murray up Friday morning to begin our journey to the south coast. Since Georgia worked as a plus-size model for Calvin Klein, her pay check allowed for the young couple to own a home next to the beach. She was kind enough to let us stay there whilst her and Calum go away for the weekend to some Spanish Island. The house was equipped with everything that Daisy needed for the entire weekend, along with a special something for Charles and I.

Upon arriving, Georgia and Calum greeted us as we pulled up the driveway. Daisy was perched happily on Cal's shoulders, reaching her little arms up into the air to try and grab ahold of a branch from the nearby tree. In Georgia's hands was a large bottle of red wine, which was a gift for looking after Daisy. She instructed us that we can only drink when Daisy was asleep - this wouldn't be a problem for either of us.

"Cal, you got everything?" Georgia asked one last time before closing the boot of her car. Calum came jogging out of the house with the car keys in hand, rolling his eyes at the question his wife had asked him many times in the last ten minutes.

"Positive." He replied. Whilst Charles held Daisy and Murray's lead, I helped Georgia lift the final bag onto the back seat of the car. Although they were only going for a weekend, it seemed as if they had packed enough items to sustain them for a month. And I thought I was a heavy packer...

"Great!" Georgia walked over to Daisy and planted a kiss on her cheek. "Mummy's going to miss you, darling." She cooed at the young girl, before turning to Charles and I. "I've put a list of food that Daisy doesn't like on the fridge, and she'll probably eat anything else if you put it in front of her. Her bedtime is also written on the piece of paper. Any problems, just call us, okay? Oh, and Mollie is to be fed twice a day."

"Babe, relax." Cal chuckled, placing an arm around her shoulders. "As long as Alyssa doesn't cook, they'll be fine."

Charles briefly looked at me and grinned. "I guess you're lucky I know how to cook, then... and drive." If it wasn't for the fact that Charles had Daisy in his arms, I would've hit him on the chest for his comment. The cheeky smirk that tugged on the corner of his lips meant that he knew this and was using it to his advantage.

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