Chapter 16

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Race Day.

It rained almost all night. Not even my pep talk with Susie yesterday along with the team's fail-safe strategies could could calm my nerves now. Max had worked late yesterday because of his crash which meant that I didn't really speak to him when he had arrived back at the hotel. I thought an early night would be best so that I didn't spend my time worrying about the race outcome but as the rain fell, my nerves grew.

"I'll see you after the race. Please try not to crash." I leant over and pressed a quick kiss onto Max's cheek. We were currently in the private car park waiting for the rain to die down before making our way to our respective garages.

Max chuckled, offering me a smile. "It's never my objective, schatje. See you later."

I opened my door at the first sign of the rain lessening and ran to get under the closest shelter. I waved to Max as he drove to find a parking spot - I hope it's a clean race, for us and for him. Tightening the hood around my head, I quick walked through the rain towards the pink Force India facility. On the way I spotted a couple of drivers standing under umbrellas, giving interviews. I should have invested in an umbrella...

"Here, doll." As soon as I heard the Aussie voice, the rain no longer seemed to hit me. I turned to Daniel who was grinning, an open umbrella in hand. He looked dry compared to me. "You look like someone's tried to drown you."

"Honestly it feels that way." I could feel the water already pooling in the bottom of my shoes which was far from a pleasant feeling. "The race is going to be stressful."

"Red Bulls do well in the rain." Daniel confidently said.

"So do most teams. It's how those lower down get points."

"I take it you lot are looking for points?" He asked.

"Preferably a podium." I shrugged as if it were no big deal however if we were to get a podium, it'd be a first for the team this year. "So try not to take out any of our drivers, yeah?"

"Max is the one you need to watch out for." He joked. "He isn't nicknamed 'Crashtappen' for nothing."

"I've already warned him. This race is valuable for both teams so no one can screw it up."

"I reckon Christian will give a similar speech during the team meeting." Daniel laughed. We eventually made it to the Force India's main entrance. "I'll stop by after the race, hopefully to rub it in that Red Bull are better."

"Aww bless, you actually think you'll beat us?" I cooed, stepping out from under the umbrella to the shelter above the front door.

"Tell 'A' and Esteban that I'm coming for them." Daniel called as he walked away from me.

"Tell Max to keep it clean!" I yelled back, smiling slightly to myself. Daniel was the friend that without fail managed to cheer you up. His smile is contagious and he is always in a positive mood.

I walked in noticing how everyone was working hard, heads down. Kudzai approached me, a clipboard in hand with hundreds of words printed out on it. "I've got the pre-race questions here that the main management asked me to ask you for the press. Can we go to your changing room to get them answered before you rerun over the strategies?"

"Yeah, of course. We don't want to risk an outsider overhearing." I followed Kudzai through the pop-up corridors towards my dressing room. My suit was already in there, along with my helmet and other equipment.

"How're you feeling?" She asked, taking a seat on one of the chairs.

"Is that one of your press questions?"

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