Chapter 87

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Uploading early bc I need to go to sleep aha

The date where I needed to fly over to Japan arrived too quickly for my liking. The last thing I wanted to do was leave Damien or Marcus especially since there hadn't been any change in Marcus's condition. If he was going to ever wake up, it'll be over the next couple of days, however it was looking more and more bleak as time passed. I refused to watch the crash back so I was still unsure as to the details, all I know is that M sustained his injuries after being crushed against a barrier when he collided with another driver in the wet conditions. I don't know if I'll ever be able to pluck up the courage to watch such a harrowing moment.

Max's birthday was the day after my plane touched down on the runway in Japan and a part of me wished I didn't have to attend his small get-together. However, I had previously promised him that I'd go and after all the effort he put into my birthday surprise, I didn't want to miss it and feel even worse than I already did. Charles had luckily managed to FaceTime me on the weekend when he went into a jewellers and found the perfect ring for Max. It was just a silver band with three small gems going diagonally across the width, but I had my initials engraved inside along with his slogan: 'keep pushing'. Two of the gems were diamond, whereas the central gem was the same colour blue he used in mine. It cost a pretty penny, too, with the type of metal used and gemstones so I hope he likes it.

Everyone seemed to be walking on eggshells around me when I went into the office. I was getting sympathetic looks from everyone who knew who I was, including people not on the team. Emanuel seemed to be the only one trying to keep things how they were when he ran me through the plan for the rest of the week leading up to the race. It was going to be busy especially since I had a week off to stay with Marcus but it'll do me good to stay distracted.

"C'mon kid, you need to focus," Emanuel placed his hands down on the desk in front of me, a small frown on his lips.

"I'm sorry, it's just..." I couldn't help but sigh as I pinched the bridge of my nose, before looking back up at him. "I'm really fucking tired."

"Yeah, you look knackered but I didn't want to say anything in case you hit me," he cracked a small grin, causing myself to smile as well.

"I wouldn't hit you, not after you defended me."

"It's wasn't too difficult convincing the boss man that it'll be more trouble than what it's worth he he replaced you mid-season. I probably shouldn't say this but, as I'm sure you've already guessed, Lawrence Stroll is having a big influence over him. I'm not in any way defending how Otmar treated you last week however I don't think all of the opinions voiced were entirely his own. Money brings influence and, unfortunately, that's what Lawrence has. What did you do to piss him off anyway?"

I shrugged. "I walked out of a meeting one time because he kept asking me questions about my involvement with other drivers which I didn't think was very professional."

"Max?" Emanuel raised an eyebrow although he already knew the answer. "Are you guys still seeing each other?"

"I don't know," I rested my head against my hand before flinching back. Since I didn't have time to fly back to the UK, I turned to Sofía who for advice about my wrist recovery. She said that I can reduce the time I'm wearing it to just a couple of hours, but that does mean that I forget about my injury when my mind in so full. "If I say we are, then I'll get fired for real."

"I won't tell," Emanuel moved so that he was sitting on my desk. "You were happy with him."

"I've had a couple of, uh, encounters with some other guys, but so has he - with girls."

The corners of Emanuel's lips twitched upwards. "Any guys I know?"

I sat up straight and scratched the back of my neck, a shy smile forming. "Maybe."

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