Chapter 107

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I didn't hesitate when it came back to flying home. I wanted to be far away from the memories of Mexico and hopefully be able to forget about the phone call I had received. Marcus and Damien were both shocked to hear about everything when I arrived back home. Whilst Kudzai stayed with Esteban, preparing some more things for the baby, I spent most of my days with my two other best friends. They're really useful for keeping a level head and not flying off of the rails and I'm so appreciative of them.

I withheld the information about Lawrence from Kudzai for the sole reason being that I wanted confirmation before I threw around accusations. If word got out that I had blamed someone who ended up being innocent, my reputation would be ruined and I'm sure that Mercedes would consider ripping up my contract for paranoia.

My evenings were spent with Charles at his apartment since I didn't want to be alone during these times. I had finally been given my phone back so, when I was away from him, he would send me cute reassuring texts. My heart hoped that this side of our relationship (even though nothing is official... yet) would last, but my head feared that things would get difficult like they had done with Max. Urgh, I need to stop thinking about Max and I - we're friends!


"Hm?" I snapped myself out of my little daydream about Charles and I before turning to the Monegasque in front of me. His eyebrows were furrowed and he placed a hand gently on my knee. I had been spending every night this week at his, only going back to mine to get some clean clothes. It was a little after nine in the evening and we had finished dinner not too long ago so I was a little spacey. "Sorry, just thinking. What did you say?"

"I asked if you wanted to go on the jog now." Charles's hand moved to my knee and he gave it a gentle squeeze. "You feeling alright?"

I inhaled deeply as I nodded my head, turning my body so that I could face him. "Yeah, sorry, just lost in thought. I'll go get changed."

From the look on Charles's face I could tell that he wanted to press the issue further so I leaned forward and pressed a kiss to his lips. As I stood up, he followed suit. "I'll get Murray's lead on." At his name, my dog lifted his head with his ears perked in alertness. Charles was luckily okay with dogs so we've relieved Marcus and Damien from their dogsitting duties for a week, or until we fly to Brazil.

"Thanks, babe." I gave him another kiss and then moved into his bedroom. My clothes were half hung up, half messily thrown in my suitcase. Since I didn't have an issue with creased workout clothes, they were kept in my suitcase. I shuffled through the various garments before pulling out my sports bra, a jacket, and a pair of leggings. The weather outside was bitterly cold (in comparison to Mexico) so I made sure my leggings were thermal ones.

After changing, I pulled all of my hair into a high ponytail so that it was out of my way when I run. My thighs were still a little sore from my workout this morning (it was more intense than I've had in a long time) so I'll probably end up falling a bit behind Charles as we run.

"It looks like it could rain, chérie," Charles commented when I reentered the living room. He was standing by the window, just staring up at the dark clouds that concealed the stars. Murray was sat at his feet patiently as Charles still held the lead in his hand. I couldn't help but groan; the last thing I want is to be cold and damp.

"Better get it done quickly, then." I shrugged, picking my phone up from the sofa and slipping it into the zip pocket inside my jacket. "Or maybe just cut the route in half and add what we missed onto our run tomorrow."

"You ready?" Charles asked. I nodded my head in reply and tightened my ponytail again. Charles must've filled my water bottle whilst I was getting changed as he handed it to me filled to the brim. I gratefully smiled at him. "Shall I hold Murray?"

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