Chapter 45

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It wasn't long before the news that we had gone into administration had reached everyone on the team, as well the the general public. The first thing my mum had said to me when she picked Kudzai and I up from the airport were words of concern. She always had her doubts about the sport, which are now being emphasised. I could tell Kudzai was extremely worried, and for good reason. Who knows what this is going to mean for the future, if there even is one.

My mum had decided to stay with me after hearing the news about Max. I tried to keep details vague and told her that it was my fault because I was still holding onto the small hope that he'd forgive me and I'd be able to introduce without my mum holding a grudge. Stupid, I know. Victoria said that Max won't even mention my name in conversation, and if I was brought up by her, he would quickly change the topic.

I tried not to dwell on it as I drove to Dan's house. He had agreed to come with me to collect my brother from his school so that he could join us for a birthday dinner. Dan's present was on the passenger seat of my car, along with a card sellotaped to the top. Unfortunately, everything has been signed from both Max and I - another painful reminder. I didn't have the heart to cross through his name so decided to leave it and hope that Daniel doesn't comment on it.

Once arriving at his place, I grabbed the gift from the seat and walked to his front door. The house was definitely big, a lot bigger than my apartment, and I could see the large garden stretching into a field. After admiring the exterior, I knocked my fist thrice against the wooden door. There was a short wait before it was swung open, revealing the grinning birthday boy.

"Happy birthday!" I cheered, giving him a one-armed hug. I handed over his present with a smile.

"Thanks, Lys." He grinned, stepping aside so that I could come in. "Kudzai's been here since nine trying to arrange everything. There's also a couple of other people," Daniel gave me a look which said that Max was here, or at least that's what I gathered he was hinting at, "So here's your warning."

"Thanks." As Daniel lead me into the living room, I couldn't help but admire the high ceilings. It made the rooms look bigger than what they actually were. His house was also so clean, but that's probably down to the fact he's never here.


"Oh shit." I looked at Kudzai with my eyes wide. I had barely even entered the room when she called my name.

"When are you getting your brother?" She asked, voice returning to a normal volume.

"I can get him any time after twelve." I replied. Currently, it's about quarter to eleven. It usually takes an hour to get the the school at this time of day because of traffic so I'll need to set off in about fifteen minutes. "He should be here about one-ish if we're quick."

"Great." Kudzai didn't even look up as she wrote down some more notes onto her pad of paper.

I leaned closer to Dan and dropped my voice to a whisper. "Is she alright?"

"Just stressed, I think. She was like this for your birthday." He replied. Stress certainly isn't good for Kudzai, even more so now that she's carrying a child.

"So what's the actual plan for today?" I asked.

"Since there are so many people coming, like drivers, their partners, team members - the lot, Kudzai suggested we just have a barbecue here. My garden is definitely big enough and I can't think of a more Aussie thing to do. Kudzai's sent Brendon and Sarah to the shop to get a tonne of beer and other drinks whereas Max, Pierre and Cat are setting up benches in the garden. Esteban's gone to get as much food that can possibly fit in his car."

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