Chapter 26

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I slept for the rest of the night a lot better. Knowing that Daniel wasn't mad was a huge weight off my shoulders. Also, crying it out seemed to be a good method in letting out my emotions.

Max's alarm woke me up at seven. He needed to be up early since he had the final free practice session today, along with qualifying immediately after. It felt weird not preparing to qualify, I wasn't in as much of a rush to get down to the circuit since my presence wasn't required there. Thankfully he didn't hear me wake up in the night or else that would've left to some awkward explaining. Daniel also seemed to keep it to himself, not bringing anything up, which made me second guess if our conversation even really happened.

"Kudzai, did I ever tell you that you're my favourite?" Victoria smiled through a mouthful of pancakes. Kudzai woke up before us since she fell asleep earlier last night and decided to make everyone breakfast.

"Hey! I helped." Daniel pouted.

"You literally flipped one pancake Daniel..." Kudzai laughed, dismissing the saddened look that he kept giving her.

Daniel shovelled another piece of his food into his mouth. "It's still one more than anyone else." Since it was race day, he was only limited to the one pancake - the rest of his breakfast consisted of eggs and a protein shake. Similarly with Max, however he managed to steal two before his sister hit him around the back of his head for disobeying orders.

"Aren't you hungry, Lys?" Kudzai asked, noticing that I hate barely touched my food. Truth be told, I wasn't feeling great today and I just couldn't bring myself to eat.

"I'm just feeling a bit sick, that's all. I'll probably eat something later." I shrugged, standing up so that I could put my plate in the kitchen for cleaning. Kudzai stood up with me, stopping me as I walked back to the kitchen to place a hand on my forehead.

"You're hot." She stated.

"I know she is." Max chuckled. I shot him a look, rolling my eyes at his childish behaviour. Kudzai laughed along.

"But in all seriousness you're burning up. Have you taken anything?"

I shook my head. "I told you, I'm fine. It'll pass by tomorrow. I'll just take some paracetamol or something."

"Did you sleep alright? Because you're so grouchy." Kudzai folded her arms across her chest like a stern mother. I saw Daniel's eyes flicker to briefly to me before settling back on the TV.

"I slept fine. Its probably down to stress, there's a lot going on."

"Can I speak to you outside?" Kudzai glanced at the others who were sat listening in before motioning to the door. I let out a sigh, reluctantly following her to the garden where Murray was waiting to come back inside. She shut the door behind her before turning to me.

"What is it?"

"Not racing is having such a huge impact on you, anyone with brain cells can see that." Kudzai said. "But you need to be taking care of yourself - and that includes eating."

"I am eating!" I exclaimed. "I wasn't lying when I said that I wasn't feeling well."

"For once," she rolled her eyes, "most of the things you say nowadays are lies, Lys. Look, I know you don't want to hurt anyone but you're hurting yourself. Don't you see that?"

"I'm fine! Why won't anyone believe that?"

"You're not developing another eating disorder are you?"

"Of course not!" I dramatically folded my arms. When my dad died, I slipped into a dark place - a place where I promised my family that I would never fall into again. It was hard for all of us in addition to my career, as my weight was close to dipping below the minimum for a driver. I pushed people away and isolated myself even though now, looking back, I realise what a stupid mistake that was as I lost so many people who cared for. To think that I'm returning to that place must be hard for anyone. "I promised you Kudzai that I wouldn't." A single tear slipped down my cheek as I pulled her into a tight hug. "If there was anything wrong I'd tell you."

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