Chapter 108

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"She was supposed to pick me up at nine and it's already ten past!" I threw my hands up in the air as I paced around Charles's apartment. Obviously I had told Kudzai about Lawrence being the saboteur shortly after finding out. She arranged a meeting with a couple of members FIA for ten am at one of their offices on the outskirts of London. Kudzai was also supposed to be picking me up from Charles's at nine, however she seems to be late. The last thing I need is to show up to this meeting late - what impression would that give? I don't know how small my window of opportunity, or whether or not-

"Chérie." Charles stepped in front of me, interrupting my panicked train of thought. He grabbed my hands in his and brought them to his lips. "Kudz is probably just stuck in traffic. You've seen the rain so the roads are probably busy, too."

"But what if-"

"She'll be here soon, okay?" He gazed deeply into my eyes, squeezing my hands slightly before giving me a quick kiss. "You shouldn't worry. Lawrence is going to get taken down no matter if you're late or not. What he's done to you or tried to do to you is going to land him in very big trouble."

I closed my eyes and breathed deeply in an attempt to calm myself down. "I just want this over with as quickly as possible."

"I know," He softly uttered. "We can celebrate tonight however you want."

"No running."

Charles chuckled and wrapped me in a hug. "That doesn't surprise me. Maybe I can cook you dinner?"

I hummed, smiling as I rested the side of my face on his chest. "That'd be nice. It really means a lot that you're here for me. I appreciate it."

"I'll do anything for you," his fingers played with the bottom of my shirt, occasionally brushing against my skin and sending a rush of electricity through my body, "I love you."

"I know," I mumbled, "and I'm thankful for you. What're going to do when I'm gone?"

"I was thinking of inviting a couple of guys over for some FIFA if they're free. Lando said he would be free today, and I think Giuli and George could be, too."

"Hopefully I'll be back in time to see them. It's been ages since I've seen Lando." I leaned back out of the hug and smoothed down my shirt. Since Charles didn't make any sort of reply, I looked up at him. He was biting his lip with his brow slightly furrowed.

"Did you... uh," Charles looked down at the floor and then back up to meet my eyes, "did you ever tell him that you loved him? Lando, I mean."

His question caught me by surprise but I quickly regained my composure. "No, I never told him."

"But you felt it?"

"I-" I scoffed slightly, "where is this coming from?"

Charles exhaled loudly and drew his lips into a tight line. "Nothing."

I couldn't help but frown as I looked up at him. I have no idea why he was suddenly acting this way and I really didn't like it. Charles hadn't really shown any care for it. Last night he even said that he didn't want to pressure me to say it so why does it feel like he's pressuring me to say it? It obviously being those three words - 'I love you'.

Before I could reply, my phone buzzed from my trouser pocket. I briefly looked at the lock screen before turning back to him. "Kudzai's here. You better have sorted this out before I'm back because, frankly, I don't like it."


"I'll see you later." I stood up onto my tip toes briefly to press a quick kiss on his cheek. If he hadn't seemed so judgemental about my previous relationships, or the fact that I hadn't yet told him that I loved him, then the kiss would've been on his lips. Before he could say anything else, I turned on my heel and walked out of his apartment.

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