Chapter 79

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You'll see a couple of names in here that you won't recognise but don't worry - they're insignificant. You won't have to remember any of them. Since there's so many people, the floor plan is above lmao I'm too lazy to describe it in detail so excuse my handwriting x

There was a bit of food before the main drinking game started - truth or dare. It's a pretty cliche game to play at a birthday gig but I didn't complain too much because there was alcohol involved for anyone who didn't have to drive or weren't pregnant. Anyone who couldn't take the alcohol would have to have a shot of lemon juice (Esteban had found some behind the bar and thought it was an excellent idea). The only downside was that the alcohol was very spicy, and I hate spicy food. I would much rather just stick to my regular alcoholic drinks.

Those who were playing, only about fifteen of us, were sat in a sort of wonky circle on the leather seats. Lando sat on the arm of the chair I was sat on since we were limited on seats but he didn't seem to mind too much. His arm rested on the back of the chair however his hand fell to my shoulder and played with my hair. I ended up leaning against him subconsciously.

One of the Mechanics, Joe, quickly downed a bottle of corona before placing it on its side in the middle of a table. "Okay, so whoever it lands on first asks 'Truth or Dare', the second person is the one receiving it... I think." Joe let out an unsure laugh before sitting down on the lap of his friend, Kieron. Damien was leaning against the arm of their chair whilst Marcus sat next to them.

"I think I should get to spin first," Esteban announced over the soft background music. "I hope the second spin lands on Lys."

"Piss off." I showed the birthday boy my middle finger. I knew he'd probably want to ask something that I would hate answering, or dare me to do something wild. He had the mischievous look in his eyes that I recognised all to well from when he wants to irritate me as much as possible.

He didn't reply as he spun the bottle the first time, the sheer force of the spin almost sending it flying off the table. Eventually it slowed down and landed on a friend of Esteban's, Emery, who also happened to be one of his mechanics. On the second spin, much to Esteban's dismay, it landed on Kudzai instead of me.

"Alright Kudzai, truth or dare?" Emery asked.

She inhaled sharply through her teeth, thinking for a moment. "Truth."

"Alright." Emery paused for a moment to think.  "Would you rather have a baby boy, or a baby girl?"

"I don't care, just as long as it's healthy." Kudzai then noticed the unsatisfied looks on everyone's face. "But if I just had to choose, I'd have to say a... girl?" She sounded unsure of herself. "But I want one of each at some point."

"Same," Esteban agreed. "Although I feel that whatever the gender, they'll gang up on me."

"Oh, for sure." Kudzai smiled up at her boyfriend. "Lys will make sure of that." I winked in Esteban's direction when his head snapped in my direction, to which he let out a loud sigh.

"Your turn to spin now, babe." Esteban told Kudzai. She shuffled forward in her seat and stretched to grab the bottle. She gave it a small spin, the bottle landing on Damien. Whoever ends up getting his question is most likely going take the lemon juice shot, or the spicy alcohol. I sipped on my drink, focusing on the pineapple slice on the rim. On the second spin, the bottle drifted extremely close to me, but luckily landed on the future McLaren driver next to me.

Damien laughed wickedly and Lando tried not to show his nerves (quite poorly, if I'm being honest). "Lando, Lando, Lando..." he paused for dramatic effect. "Truth or dare?"

"Neither sound particularly good, but I'm going to have to go with dare."

"Big mistake." Damien smirked causing Lando to groan. "Mr Norris - I dare you..." he locked eyes with Lando whilst keeping him on the edge. I was getting nervous for him, the poor guy, "" he paused again, "...make an Instagram post expressing your love for someone."

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