Chapter 28

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I sat in the hospitality room waiting for the interviews to be done so that I could go and congratulate Max and the Force India team. Vic had wanted to watch the post-race interviews with her dad so I managed to convince her to go. I didn't feel like being on camera at the moment, something that would've been inevitable if I went with her. Also, I didn't want to risk knocking my wrist on anything so I just sat in the quiet room on my phone.

"Alyssa?" A soft voice spoke from behind me. I shut off the screen and jumped, not expecting anyone to be here.

"Hey, Daniel." I stood up, about to pull him into a hug but hesitated. Instead, I just awkwardly stood there.

"Sorry for being a dick earlier." He apologised, looking down at his hands.

I looked at him confused. "You weren't."

"I should've at least said hello in the garage when I retired, you were just trying to be nice."

"I'm always nice." I grinned, diffusing the tension. "It's one of my many amazing qualities."

"So, why aren't you watching the interviews?" Daniel questioned, taking a seat. I decided to sit next to him.

"I don't fancy being bombarded by people about being Max's girlfriend. Also, my wrist has just about healed and I don't want to do it any more damage or-" I stopped myself before accidentally spilling something I shouldn't.

Daniel raised an eyebrow. "Or...?"

"Well, it's not very convenient when you have a dog." I nonchalantly replied, looking at my nails so that I could avoid his eyes. "So," I began, swiftly changing the topic, "I'm sorry about your early retirement. It must really suck ending a race so earlier."

"Yeah, it's pretty tough. At least it's an issue that can be fixed, and that I didn't crash." Daniel sighed. "But it's not all bad. I'll make sure to redeem myself in Monaco."

"You've still got more points than 'A', And I'm pretty sure you're matched with Max." I said, trying to cheer him up. "Red Bull are still ahead of Force India, as much as I hate it."

"I guess from your team perspective it's a good thing I retired?" He smiled, raising an eyebrow.

"Well- I- uh..." I stuttered. "From a team perspective - yes. But as your friend - no."

"I felt the same in Baku," he said, watching me carefully. "When 'A' crashed, obviously it was bad since they got injured however it gave Red Bull the edge over Force India. It's quite a conflicting emotion to have."

"I know."

"How is your wrist, by the way, after the accident?" Daniel asked, looking me in the eyes. My breathe caught in my throat. How does he know? Before I could open my mouth to question him, he continued. "I figured it out." His voice dropped, in case someone was overhearing. "I know you're 'A'."

"How- I don't understand." I struggled to find my words as I looked at him gob-smacked.

"I see you're not denying it."

"I-" I began to say but Daniel interrupted me.

"Why did you keep it for so long? I know for certain that Max doesn't know." He questioned.

I let out a sigh, resting my head in my left hand. "You know how close the championship is." I mumbled, not looking up to meet his gaze. "I wouldn't be surprised if he dumps me when I tell him."

"When were you planning on telling him? Or me?"

"By the mid-season break," when he raised a questioning eyebrow, I continued. "Honestly, I was. You can ask Vic or Kudzai."

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