Chapter 37

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Max finally spent the night in on Wednesday so that he could pack for Austria. We were flying together at about midday on Thursday, leaving it slightly later than usual because the time zones were the same. I was surprised that he did stay in, especially when Pierre had invited him for one last night out before they left.

It wasn't uncommon in the few days following the 'incident' for Max to go out of his way to do things for me, or randomly buy me a charm for the bracelet he got me for my birthday. Although I was thankful for this, I couldn't help but wonder why he was doing it. Of course, he's an amazing boyfriend, but it seems a little odd for him to be sucking up. It did make me wonder: If nothing happened that night, then why is he trying to make it up to me?

The strange behaviour didn't stop even whilst he was focusing on the race. Daniel had picked up on it and put it down to the fact that he was missing his sister (who he would occasionally buy things for). Until I could definitively say why, I accepted Daniel's theory in an attempt of not sounding like a crazy, obsessed girlfriend.

"That is odd," Vic declared on Friday evening. I had decided to FaceTime her so that we could catch up, and Max's strange behaviour seemed to be a talking point.

"The thing is, I don't think he was going to tell me that it happened if I hadn't heard him talking about it." I sighed. "Maybe he's making up for that?"

"I know you're going to hate hearing this because you're so stubborn, but I think you just need to try and forget about the Dilara incident." As soon as she saw that I was going to disagree, Vic continued. "Unless it happens again, try not to bring it up and start arguments. Max loves you. He wouldn't do anything to hurt you. He might be acting this way to try and make up for that night, but only because he feels bad that he let her get so close to him again. My brother is too kind to cheat on you, Lys. He knows how much it hurts to have your heart broken so I seriously doubt he'd do it to you."

"He's too good for me." I quickly wiped the tear that slipped from my eye. "I feel like such a shitty girlfriend because I doubted him."

"Lys, it's not your fault. This is one of your first relationships so no ones blaming you for being a little weary." Vic let out a sigh. "Oh, liefje, I just want to give you a hug right now."

I sniffled and wiped my eyes.

"So have you decided when you're going to tell Max about 'A'?" She asked.

"Tuesday." I weakly smiled.

"All I can do is wish you luck and tell you how proud I am that you're doing it."

"Max deserves to know. It makes me feel worse the longer I keep it." I ran a hand through my hair and let out a deep breathe. "But enough about my problems. How'd your interview go?"

The only reason Victoria wasn't in Austria was because she was back in The Netherlands applying for a job. Over the past month, she had been bringing up the vacancy over at Dior for an ambassador/media manager. Eventually, I got sick of the talk and encouraged her to apply for it.

"It went really well." Her face suddenly lit up at the mention and I could tell she was excited. "They said they'll get back to me in the next couple of days with further details."

"I really hope it goes well for you, V. This is such a big opportunity."

"I know! If I get it, it'll be so much better than the money I get for promotion of other brands. I'll be able to-" Vic was interrupted by my front door swinging open.

"I'm back!" Max called, before lowering his tone upon noticing I was in the main living space. "Is that Vic?"

I turned to face him and nodded. "She was just telling me about the job at Dior."

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