Chapter 47

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I ended up having a bit too much to drink on Wednesday night which resulted in me staying over at Charles'. Whilst I did offer to take the sofa since he only had one bedroom, he insisted that I take his bed whilst he settled on for the less comfortable option. No matter how much I tried to argue it, Charles refused to let me sleep on the sofa. I ended up giving in after realising it was a losing battle, despite feeling guilty. Despite the small disagreement about the sleeping arrangements, Charles and I had the most hilarious evening. Slightly drunk Charles was a sight to be marvelled; he was nowhere near as shy and told many funny stories from his past. I learned a lot about him as a person, as he learned a lot about me. Although he knew that I had a secret, he didn't press it which I was thankful for. Charles was really respectful about it - I don't know why I was surprised since he's been nothing but kind to me since I met him at my birthday party.

Unfortunately, I had to leave his house by ten so that I had enough time to go home and change before heading to my meeting. Charles leant me a shirt to wear since I had spilt red wine on my other one (don't ask). Since it was light pink, he told me I could keep it because it matched my team's colours. Of course I was grateful, and vowed to give him something in return.

I arrived ten minutes late to the meeting which resulted in a firm glare from Robert, who was standing by the main door. I smiled apologetically, quietly shuffled into the back row of seats and immediately began to listen to whatever Subrata Roy, the current chairman, was saying. Although it was boring, it was important so I tried my hardest not to daydream. I must've accidentally done so as soon enough we were applauding and I had absolutely no idea why. I soon found out it was because they were welcoming Lawrence Stroll up to the front. Lance was sitting off to the side, along with his mother and sister.

"I'm so honoured to be working for such an inspiring team." Lawrence grinned, looking our over the crowds. I almost scoffed. Honoured that your son will be driving for it, more like. "Saving this team from no longer existing was an investment I'm willing to make. The team working here are so resilient and hard working, with a lot of potential to be competing for championships. This current season has been the most successful yet, there's no doubt about it, so when I heard that the team was going into administration, I couldn't let the potential go." There was another round of applause. It was fair to say that I wasn't as enthusiastic as the majority of others in the meeting.

I spotted Esteban a few rows down looking rather bored. He probably also knows that his seat isn't completely safe because of the man at the front, though it is much safer than mine.

"Of course, all of the people behind the scenes are to be congratulated for such an amazing season so far. But, we should also give out congratulations to the drivers who convert your hard work into points. Can we have them up front?" Lawrence glanced to the chairman as he asked the question. Mr Roy nodded his head.

"Excuse me, Mr Stroll, but you'll have to sign a contract first." Robert interjected as Esteban stood up from his seat. I couldn't help but smile in appreciation as it saves me from an awkward encounter later. Upon seeing Lawrence roll his eyes, Robert added: "It's mandatory. Everyone who's in this room has signed it." It's true. Not everyone at Force India knows, obviously, as that would be over 500 people. Only those who work closely with the car have actually signed the contract and know my identity, which just so happened to be all of those invited to the meeting.


"Kudzai?" Robert called over the crowd. She stood up with a smile. "Have you got three contracts for Mr Stroll and his family?"

"Three?" Lawrence asked, sounding amused. "There's four of us."

I could see Robert tense, fighting the urge to not shout. I should know, I see him do it a lot to me. But Lawrence's tone made it seem like he thought Robert was unable to count to four. "Your son has already signed it, Mr Stroll. It'll be pointless for him to sign it again."

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