Chapter 53

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12:05 on Sunday - Can you tell I'm eager?

Daisy found herself wide awake at six o'clock in the morning. She had ran into the living room and poked Charles and I's faces until we woke up. The pair of us had fallen asleep together on the sofa, although didn't realise this until we were awake. It beats me how she had so much energy so early on in the day when I struggled to even lift my head off of Charles body.

By nine, Charles and I had managed to get Daisy and ourselves dressed. Unintentionally, we wore similar clothes which I thought would look absolutely adorable in photos. It also made me think about how I'm going to dress Kudzai's baby when it arrives, as well as my own when I have them. But it's too early to be thinking about kids, I'm only nineteen and it would end my career.

"How are you so upbeat?" I questioned Charles, resting my head on his shoulder and closing my eyes. I had a cup of coffee in hand however it didn't seem to be able to keep me alert. Luckily Daisy was preoccupied with the dogs and didn't need me running after her.

He shrugged, moving my head a bit, causing me to let out a groan of disapproval. "I'm used to it; I've been up at seven everyday for the past week." I made a noise of agreement. "Maybe some breakfast would help?"

"I'm not hungry."

"You're a driver - you need to keep up your mass." Charles pointed out, giving me a knowing look. Urgh, I shouldn't have told him.

"You need to keep up your mass." I mocked in a high pitch voice, rolling my eyes. His body vibrated in a laugh and he wrapped an arm around me. "I can make up for it later. I'll have a big tea or something, okay?"

Charles looked down at me with a frown, before finally letting out a sigh. "Fine. But I'm making dinner and you're gong to eat it all."

"You were going to have to make dinner anyway."

"I'll force you to eat it, then." He retorted.

We continued bickering back and forth until Daisy had interrupted us. She announced (rather loudly) that she was bored despite having been playing happily a few moments before. Thankfully, when I had suggested the walk along the beach, Daisy agreed with the idea. The fact that I may have alluded to an ice cream at the end of the walk might have swayed her decision making slightly.

Whilst Charles got himself ready and ate breakfast, I gathered together a bag of various items that Daisy might need on our little journey. This included nappies, wipes, a packet of mini cheddars, a spare change of clothes, some small toys, and a bib. I couldn't think of anything else that I needed to bring even after running various possible scenarios through my head, so finally placed the full bag into the bottom of the pushchair.

"Daisy, sit still." I said for what felt like the thousandth time. I was trying to brush her hair and then braid it so that it doesn't get knotted or covered in ice cream later on, but she seemed a lot more interested in what Mollie and Murray were doing. I was on the second of the two French plaits and had to keep restarting when she moved and a bit cams loose. It took a lot of will power not to sigh and give up.

"Hey." Charles put down his empty plate and knelt in front of Daisy. He began to pull some funny faces which made the young girl laugh. Thankfully, Daisy was no longer trying to get off of my lap as she was distracted by Charles. I finished of the final plait as quickly as possible before letting her down.

"Thanks." I smiled at Charles, adjusting my skirt. "Do I look alright?"

His head tilted to the side and a small smile played at his lips. He stared at me for a second before his grin widened. "You look beautiful, like always." I felt my face heat up in a blush as he tucked a strand of loose hair behind my ear.

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