Chapter 119

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Early upload (next one will be in a week, sorry).

My celebrations for pole went as far as congratulating the team, receiving a few pats on the back from my mechanics, giving a quick statement to Kudzai for the press, before heading straight to my hotel room. Texts from several of my friends (Lando, Marcus, Sofía, etc) were keeping my phone alive and busy since I had decided to take it off of 'Do Not Disturb' mode. It took a while to get through them all, writing an individually different variation of 'thank you' depending on my relationship with the person. I was expecting to see a message from Max as he was usually one of the first to congratulate me, however his name was missing from my most recent contacts.

I flipped down the switch of the kettle, watching the water light up blue to indicate that it was on. I prepped a mug for a cup of tea before wandering into the living space to wait for the water to boil. Through the thin hotel walls, I could hear the kettle's soft whoosh as it heated up which means I should be able to hear it when it's done.

A small sigh escaped through my lips as I flopped down onto the sofa. My right arm was hanging over the side, my hand a few inches above the wooden floor, and I brought my legs up onto the cushion beside me. I was mentally exhausted from the past few days; a part of me wanted this weekend to just be over with. Obviously I was ecstatic about the pole position I received, but there's pain in knowing that I couldn't call my mum or dad to talk about it. I really took the time we spent together for granted and now I'm dealing with the consequences.

The pop of the kettle switching off drew me out of my thoughts. It took me a few moments but I eventually found the strength to pull myself back into an upright, standing position. A few steps in the direction of the kitchen and I came to a halt - there was somebody knocking on the door. I really didn't fancy company at the moment so I silently hoped that it was just a member of staff with a question or some new towels or something other than a dry conversation.

I didn't have a peep-hole that I could check who was at the door so I just had to bare the unknown. Whilst biting my lip, I pulled down on the handle and slowly pulled back the door. Instead of one, there were two people - Max and Victoria Verstappen. Their smiles looked forced however there seemed to be a hint of truth in the sparkle of their blue eyes.

"Hey," I softly greeted, tightening my thin jacket around my shoulders from the breeze of air-conditioning in the hallway. "What're you doing here?"

"Making sure that you're okay," Vic replied. She stepped forward and gave me a quick one-armed hug (her other arm was holding a grocery bag). "I haven't spoken to you properly in ages and it looks like you could really do with a friend or two right now."

I exhaled softly, the corners of my fake smile dropping. "I really appreciate that but I promise you I'm fine."

"Yeah, so fine that you just got pole position and you're sitting in your hotel room alone." Vic rolled her eyes. "Now, have you had dinner yet?"

"I'm not really that-" I began to tell her that I wasn't hungry but Vic brushed passed me into the room. I spun on the spot to follow her with my eyes.

"No excuses - Max and I will make you food."

"Vic it's ten o'clock!" I tried to protest but she seemed to just ignore me.

I threw my hands up in defeat to a small chuckle from Max. My attention was then turned to him as he closed the front door behind him.

"You should know not to try and fight it by now," he said, his arm brushing lightly against mine. I didn't make a move to step away, and instead I leaned my head against his shoulder.

"I know," I mumbled.

"Lando told me where you were staying, if you were wondering." The thought honestly hadn't crossed my mind. "He also told me why you didn't tell me. I couldn't really understand you with your accent when you were crying last night so..." he sighed as he trailed off. "Just know that I respect your wishes and I'll be here for you no matter what. I don't think you should be too hard on Leclerc, though, even though I will be. You know he loves you, although it is nowhere near how much I loved you because I'm better, so what he did came from a place of good intentions." Like I care about good intentions. "I don't mind if you hate him because it means we can have another shared quality." Max gently squeezed my arm and exhaled in amusement. "Now, we haven't spoken all week so can you at least truthfully tell me how you're feeling?"

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