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Edited 8/5/18

It's Monday and we packed our bags in the car. As of now, it is 10:00 in the morning and Annabeth and I are driving to the dorms to pick up Hazel and Frank. Then we will go to LA for Jason and Piper, and then finally through Texas for Leo and Calypso. Then we will drive up to New York.

The car will be pretty packed, but we have three row seating and we haven't hung out all together in awhile. I check and double check the snack supply to make sure we've got plenty and then hop in the driver's seat. Annabeth gets in the passenger's seat and we drive to the dorms.

Frank and Hazel are waiting for us on a bench. They find room for their luggage in the back and then crawl in the middle row. After about an hour of small talk, I was already bored. I mean, we could've all just flown to New York separately and met each other there, but no way was I flying, and we haven't gotten together in a long time. I actually don't think the seven of us have all been together at the same time since Annabeth and I left for college four years ago.

Sure, we've seen each other since then, but not as the Seven. Not all together. And this long car ride would force us to do so. We'll have actual bonding time. But I'm still bored.

Annabeth abandons me and crawls in the back with Hazel and Frank where they are somehow playing cards. I turn up the radio and jam all by myself. I make sure to sigh extra loud and look miserable. Annabeth hits me on the arm and tells me to shut up. She's laughing and I smile.

Five hours of movies, books, sleeping, cards, snacks, and more...we start to see the outlines of LA. It was 4:30 when we pulled into the McLean driveway. I got out of the car and walked to the front door, telling the other three to stay in the car.

I walked up the path and rang the doorbell. Mr.    McLean answered the door and, recognizing me, let me in. "Hey, Percy! How's life treating you?" He clapped me on the back. "I'm good Mr. McLean. Are Jason and Piper coming?"

"Yeah, they saw you pull up. They're getting their bags."

You see, Piper started to tell her dad the truth last year. He still doesn't know everything, but he knows enough. He knows we are Demigods and that my dad's Poseidon and that Piper's mom is Aphrodite and he's met the rest of the Seven and knows our godly parentage. He knows about camp and about monsters but not about the prophecy or the really nasty things.

Just then, Piper and Jason and ran down the stairs with their luggage. "Percy!" Piper screamed. She gave me a kiss on the cheek and then brushed right past me. "Bye daddy!" She yelled over her shoulder. Tristan just laughed and said, "Love you sweetie. Have a good trip!"

Jason gave me a bro hug and then we walked out to the car. I took Piper's bag from her and shoved it in the back. Then I hopped in the driver's seat, Jason in the passenger's seat, and Piper and Annabeth got in the way back.

We had about 20 and a half hours left until we arrived in Houston, so Jason and I decided to arm wrestle. "Eyes on the road!" Someone screamed.

I had one hand on the wheel, so I didn't see what was the matter. Nevertheless, I looked back in confusion. Jason took my distraction to his advantage and won.

"But-but...I was arm wrestling!" I whined. "Percy!" Annabeth screeched. I sighed and turned back to the road. Jason chuckled. "I won," he bragged. I stuck my tongue out at him. Then we had a full on war. It only ended when Annabeth pulled me in the back seat and Frank started to drive.

Annabeth and I were in the back, Piper and Hazel in the middle, and Frank and Jason in the front. We started Finding Nemo for the fifth time and I fell asleep on Annabeth's shoulder.

I hope to be publishing regularly, but we will see. BTW, the story title is Tell Me You Love Me, which is an amazing song by Demi Lovato, so go give it a listen.

Tell me what you thought and make sure to have a wonderful day! Love you demigods:)

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