Luke's 1st Birthday(Twenty-Five)

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Edited 8/15/18

(Percy and Annabeth are both 23 at this point)

The day is May 22nd and it's already Luke's first birthday. I cannot believe how quickly the last year has gone. It is insane. I remember the first time he rolled over, or that time we gave him his first lemon(Annabeth wanted to start him early because lemons repel spiders apparently). His face was priceless.

We got Luke dressed in his adorable 1st birthday onesie and we got on the road to Camp where we will be holding the party. We thought it would be safer to have it at Camp than having a ton of half-bloods outside of the borders.

Pulling up to Camp, Hazel and Reyna ran to meet us. Before we could even unbuckle our seatbelts, Hazel already had Luke out of the car. When we actually got out of the car and grabbed the diaper bag and the bag with decorations and stuff, Reyna had stolen Luke from Hazel.

"You are so adorable!" She was telling him. He just giggled around his pacifier and pulled on her braid.

We set up all of the decorations and more people started coming. We upgraded the the portal so instead of just going from Camp Half-Blood to Camp Jupiter, there were portals stationed all over the country.

A lot of people turned up for the party, Mom, Paul, and Estelle included. She's six now. She's growing up so fast!

Soon enough Leo and Calypso arrived through the portal in Houston with Milo in tow who is roughly nine months old. Leo was holding Milo and I was struck by how much they look alike.

Next came Frank a little later from Camp Jupiter and then Piper and Jason who had driven from their apartment in LA to Camp Jupiter and through the portal.

Jason flew into Camp wearing a Superman costume. He landed in front of us with his hands on his hips. "Dude," I started slowly, "what the heck?"

He looked hurt. "Isn't this what people usually do at birthday parties? Isn't there someone that dresses up like a clown or something? I figured I'd be Superman!"

I just sighed while running my hand over my face. "Okay," I said simply, "go embarrass yourself. You do you."

He just rolled his eyes and smiled, walking past us with Piper to the party.

Once mostly everyone was here, we started the festivities. I hardly got to hold Luke at all, because he kept getting passed around to all the different people. Clarisse even made an appearance, which surprised me because her and Chris live in Arizona. They must have traveled through the portal in Phoenix.

Frederick and Helen Chase also showed up, followed by Bobby and Matthew. They were elated because they don't get to see Luke very often. Of course, we went through the Camp Jupiter portal two or three times, but that's about it.

Annabeth made a very heartwarming toast and then we sat Luke down in his high chair and set the Nemo cake in front of him. "Mama?" He questioned. She bent down so she was even with him. "Happy Birthday, baby. Eat your cake."

I smiled and got the camera ready. He had first started talking about four months go, his first word being 'Mama'. 'Dada' came soon after and I'm not going to deny some tears were shed.

Luke just blinked sleepily and then face planted the cake. "Whoa!" Annabeth exclaimed and helped the now wide awake baby get his face out of the cake. His face was covered in blue cake and orange frosting. He looked mildly confused for about fifteen seconds, which I interpreted as the calm before the storm.

I was correct because then he started screaming. Annabeth chuckled and lifted him out of the high chair, wiping off his face and bouncing him on her hip. I 'accidentally' zoomed in on her ass but then quickly moved the camera on Luke's face. I zoomed out again, capturing Annabeth humming her lullaby to him.

I turned the camera around and waved and then got a shot of everyone at the party. And then back to Annabeth and Luke, the latter fighting the sleep that was coming on strongly. His head would start to dip and then he'd jerk it back up.

After doing so five times, he finally let it take him and rested his head on Annabeth's shoulder, out in seconds.

After the party settled down quite a bit, and most of the guests left, the Seven, Reyna, Nico and Will, a sleeping Luke and a wide eyed Milo sat at a picnic table to catch up. Milo sat in Leo's lap and Luke was still sleeping on Annabeth.

We exchanged stories and talked about certain baby milestones that had passed. "Yeah Milo hasn't said any actual words yet," Leo was explaining while Milo was playing with his fingers, trying to eat them, "it's mostly just gibberish."

Piper picked up one of the blue chocolate chip cookies Mom had brought and tried to give it to Milo. "Hey, Milo, do you want a cookie?" She asked.

Milo looked at it and I swear he cocked an eyebrow. "Bitch please!" He said. Piper looked shocked.

"Leo!" Calypso screamed. Leo just sat their slack jawed. Jason was laughing hysterically. Frank was laughing as well until Hazel smacked him. Then he tried to cover it with a cheesy cough into his fist. Nico looked almost proud and Reyna gave a rye smile.

Will just shook his head dejectedly, like, 'I helped deliver this baby and this is what comes of it'. I just chuckled. And that is the story of my son's first birthday and Milo's fist words.

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