New Friend(Onety-Twoty-Nine)

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Luke's POV

School was scheduled to start in a few days and I haven't left my room since the last day of Camp. Ariana usually brings me food and we eat together on my bed. She doesn't ask me to talk about it because she knows I won't.

Eventually, Dad had to drag me to a therapist and turns out I'm depressed. So there's that.

Dad sat me down one night to talk about it(or rather he sat down in my room which I didn't leave unless absolutely necessary).

"Luke, I understand what you're going through and I think we need to talk it out," he said.

"Um, no you don't understand," I countered grumpily.

"The childhood of a demigod doesn't exactly do wonders for a person's mental heath, you know."

"Don't try to relate my problems to your 'demigod trials'. It's not the same. The variables are supernatural."

"You're right," Dad said. "But I was also diagnosed with postpartum depression after the twins were born."

My eyes widened a bit. "You were?"

He nodded. "I had just lost your mom and then suddenly I had to take care of you and your sister by myself, along with two newborns and I was drowning in the responsibility."

I nodded and stared at my lap.

"So tell me how you feel and how I can help," Dad suggested, and I tried to explain as best I could.


It's the first day of my Junior year and I'm reminded that Noah won't be there with me this year and a fresh wave of sadness washes over me. But I stand a bit taller and try to be positive. This is a new year, a fresh start. And I've still got Milo, the best friend in the world. It'll all be fine.

Dad gave each of us a hug and kiss goodbye as we walked to the New Rome School. We met up with all the other kids on the way, and Milo and I headed off to the High School, while everyone else either went to the Middle School or Elementary School.

Milo and I found our lockers and headed to our first class. Almost immediately, a guy who I recognized to be a senior, turned around in his seat. He studied me a minute before smiling warmly.

He had dark brown hair cut into a fade and hazel eyes. He was pretty tall.

"Hi, my name is Aiden Miller. I like your eyes, they're beautiful."

I recoiled slightly at the compliment. If this dude was looking for a relationship, he was not going to find one. I need time to get over Noah before I even consider it.

Aiden seemed to sense this because he backtracked a bit. "I'm...sorry. That was a bit upfront. Forget I said anything. Do you wanna be friends?" He asked with a hopeful look. He must be pretty lonely to want to make friends with me, I thought.

"Uh, sure. I'm Luke, by the way. Luke Jackson."

"Ah. Nice to meet you Luke Jackson," the way he said it, I got the feeling he already knew who I was. Which is pretty common, seeing as my parents are famous.

At lunch that day, Aiden was there. In the halls, Aiden was there. He was pretty eager to make friends.

I could tell Milo was getting pissed off by his constant presence, but I didn't mind it. Aiden seemed like a nice guy.

As the days went on, Aiden became part of the group. He was always there, making jokes and treating me like we'd been friends forever. It was a lot like my friendship with Milo.

Things were looking up, I'd gotten a new really good friend and I was feeling better, happier. And despite how wrong it felt to be close to someone else so close to when Noah left, I found myself falling for him.

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