First Steps(Eighty-Three)

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The day after the reunion, the kids and I were just chilling around the apartment. Luke was playing some violent game with his action figures and Ari sat at the table drawing pictures. I sat in the living room trying to entertain the twins. Bianca was sitting in the middle of the floor chewing on a toy.

I watched as Ethan grabbed onto the other couch and pulled himself to his feet. He slapped the cushions excitedly and then wobbled away from the couch.

I slid off the couch I was sitting on and sat anxiously across from him. He squawked at me and flapped his arms. He flopped down onto his bottom and grinned at me, his blond curls sticking up.

"C'mon," I said, "come to Daddy." He giggled and managed to get back on his feet. He studied his feet as he took one step forward. "Yes!" I yelled, clapping loudly. He startled and looked at me with big eyes.

"Come to Daddy," I encouraged and he took another step. "Luke! Grab my phone!" Luke tore into the living room with my monster proof smart phone and started recording. I held out my arms to Ethan and he took shuddering steps. 

He crossed the room without any further problems and grabbed my hands. "Dada," He said. I picked him up and swung him in the air before holding him close to my chest. I kissed his forehead a dozen times.

Bianca grunted and sprung her arms up in a V, tossing her toy as she did so. Luke giggled, capturing it all. Bianca got to her feet and with one hand still in the air, stepped toward Ethan and I.

She seemed to walk almost effortlessly. I got back down on my knees and held out my right hand for her to take. She stumbled once, fell, and then got back up, making the rest of the steps to me.

She gave me a big toothy grin and spread her arms, waiting for praise. I scooped her up and swung them both around. Bianca pouted when I didn't give her kisses so I gave her kisses.

My babies just had their first steps.

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