Dad, I Have A Boyfriend(Onety-Onety-Six)

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Luke's POV

Once again, I was about to approach my dad, and I was nervous. Noah wished me luck and headed off to the strawberry fields to help the Demeter kids with the strawberries. I walked to the sword fighting arena and watched the last few minutes of my dad's last lesson of the day(Wednesday).

Once the last of the Campers had filed out of the arena, I went in, finding my dad sharpening a sword. He looked up when he heard me approaching.

"Oh, hey Luke! What's up?"

"Dad, I have a boyfriend," I said, cutting right to the chase.

His eyes widened in surprise at my blunt statement, but then a grin broke out on his face and he set the sword aside and sat down, rubbing his hands together.

"You do, do you? And who is this boyfriend of yours?"

"Dad, it's Noah."

"Noah? The-the-Dionysus's kid! Oh! Nice!"


"I'll still need to be having a sit down with this kid," he said, raising an eyebrow.

"You know him," I tried to reason. "You see him literally every other day."

"Still. Also, do we need to have the sex talk again?" He asked.

"Dad! Oh my gods," my cheeks were burning.

"You still need to be using protection and--"

"Dad! Honestly."

But of course he was on a roll, so he wasn't going to stop now. "If you have any questions or anything you don't feel comfortable talking to me about, you could always go to Will or Nico."

I was trying to keep a straight face and he could tell I was struggling. He was about to say something else, but I said, "Dad, I'm leaving."

He grinned at me, "Love you."

"Love you too. Don't embarrass me."


"Please." I heard him chuckling to himself as I turned and ran to the fields. Noah caught up with me there.

"How'd it go?" He asked, equally nervous as I had been.

I smiled and grabbed his hand, swinging it between us as we made our way back into Camp.


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