Jason's POV(Eighty-Four)

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It's August 18th, a touchy day if you can imagine. Piper and I called Percy this morning to check on him and he seemed pretty okay. We wished him a Happy Birthday, and tried not to mention that today was also his anniversary.

We were just chilling with the kids today. Riley developed an obsession with toy tractors, so he'd run around the living room, driving the toy along the carpet yelling, "Tractor!" as he went.

Malia was six months old and positively adorable. Her brown hair was getting pretty thick, parts of it curling adorably onto her forehead. Her electric blue eyes shown and when she smiled at you, her dimples showed up.

Anyway, my monster proof phone started to ring. The caller ID read Percy. I picked it up immediately, walking into the other room.

"Hi Jason, um...I can't find my dad."

"You sure bud? Did you check the bathroom? The bedroom?"

"Yeah. He's not here anymore. Nana came here this morning to watch us on dad's sad day but he left and he forgot his phone. Nana's worried."

"Whoa, hold on, sad day?" I asked.

"Yeah. Dad says he doesn't want to be sad on the twins' birthday because that's their day, so he'll be sad on his birthday."

"Oh, well I'll go look for him. How does that sound?"

"Good!" He said, then added, "Bye!", before hanging up.

I let the phone fall to the carpet, running my hand over my face. This is the second time Percy's done something like this and it scares me. My heart was thumping as I walked back to Piper, who was sitting on the couch with a sleeping Malia in her arms.

"Luke called me. Percy disappeared again. I need to go find him," I explained.

Piper sat forward, worry laced in her eyes. "Do you need me to come with you?"

"Nah, I should be fine. If anything, I can get Will or Nico's help. They're still living at camp."

"You're sure?" I nodded. "I get so worried about Percy. It must be so hard on him, especially today," she said.

I nodded, understanding completely. "I'll find him, I promise. Don't worry."

And with that, I flew to Camp Jupiter and then through the portal to Camp Half-Blood.

Time skip...

It didn't take nearly as long to find him as it did last time. This time, I had an idea of where to look.

The woods were dark this time of night, moonlight filtering in through the leaves. I held my arm in front of my face to protect myself. A branch brushed my forearm and twigs snapped under my steps.

I passed the creek where Capture the Flag is played, took a turn when I reached what used to be Zeus's Fist.

I came to the cemetery next, not at all surprised to find Percy sitting cross legged with his head in his hands in front of Annabeth's grave. Fresh flowers lay on the grass in front of the tombstone, all different colors.

It appeared that Percy had been talking to her, but now he just sat and cried. It hurt me to see him like this. It was a reminder.

One, of the real pain he's going through. He tries to hide it on the daily, and I do not understand how he can be such an amazing father and keep himself together most of the time around his kids. But now, on his 'sad day'(his birthday, which is messed up) he's letting himself feel his grief.

Two, of life. Of how short it is. Hell, I could lose Piper tomorrow. Just the thought of it causing involuntary tears to prickle at my eyes. Anyone could die any time and it hurt like hell. But I guess that's just life, isn't it? Death is what gives life meaning.

I made my way over and sat down next to him, not saying anything, not even looking at him for awhile. I was just there. If he needed me, I'd always be there. He sniffles and wiped his eyes, staring blankly at her name etched into the stone.

His eyes started to fill with new tears and I finally turned to him and opened my arms. He collapsed into me and sobbed into my shoulder. We sat like that for I don't even know how long.

I just held him as he cried.

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