Frank's POV(Forty-Nine)

461 16 1

Edited 9/3/18

February 9th. Today is the day. We came through the portal last night and we've just been waiting out contractions in the Big House. Some random Apollo kids have been helping Hazel out until Will arrived.

When he did I almost screamed. He stomped into the room with bags under his eyes and a scowl on his face. He was carrying a mug with coffee that read "Fuck You I'm Tired" and Nico followed close behind carrying a one year old Bee and looking extremely well rested and just an overall ray of sunshine. It almost looked like the their souls switched bodies or something.

"Hey Hazel! How're you-" He was cut off by Will complaining. "Bee was up all night screaming and of course this one," he said pointing an accusing finger at Nico, "is a heavy sleeper so I had to deal with a screaming child. I got no sleep and I have to work today. With birthing sister-in-laws."

"Birthing sister-in-laws?" I asked with a smirk. This is truly amusing, seeing Mr. Optimism and Sunshine being grumpy. "I need coffee," he groaned, draining his mug. "More caffeine!"

Nico bounced his daughter on his hip. "Papa's a little cuckoo in the head this morning isn't he?" "Cuckoo!" Bee replied. "Cuckoo!" "Oh be quiet," Will glared at the two.

I laughed again until Hazel squeezed my hand so hard it turned purple. "I'm in labor if any of you cared," she grimaced. "Oh right!" Will's eyes went wide and he downed his coffee in one gulp and threw the mug in the trash. Nico came over and kissed Hazel's forehead before grabbing his husband's mug out of the garbage and giving Will the death glare, pretty much saying 'if you hurt my sister I will hurt you'.

"Bye!" Bee whispered as they left the room. "Bye," I waved. She giggled before disappearing behind the door.

Everything was a blur after that. Percy came at one point to bring food, I honestly don't know where he came from or when he got here. I don't know who else is here, but I think it's pretty safe to guess that everyone is hanging around camp right now.

Then things started to get exciting. Or gross, depending on your perspective. Now I'm not going to go into detail, but after much screaming, Will was holding a baby. But not just anyone's baby, it was our baby.

"It's a girl," he announced, wrapping her in a blanket and handing her to Hazel to hold. Hazel was crying and she looked so exhausted, but she held her arms out to her daughter nonetheless.

I kissed Hazel's cheek and wrapped my arms around the both of them, touching our baby's skin for the first time, a tone that matched her mother's. You could see the dark little curls on her head and when she opened her eyes, they were a dark brown, almost black, like mine.

"What should we name her?" I asked. "Emily," Hazel managed, "for your mother." I nodded, tears welling up in my eyes. "And Marie," I added. "For yours."

"Emily Marie Zhang," she whispered to the baby in her arms, "welcome to the world."

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