Annabeth's POV(Forty-Eight)

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Edited 9/3/18

Today kind of felt like a lazy day. It was a Saturday so neither Percy nor I had to work today so we were just home with the kids. When I got up the bed was empty and I panicked until I heard Percy in the kitchen talking to Luke.

Breathing deeply, I fell back against my pillow. I had had a nightmare last night, one I hadn't had in many years. It was about Tartarus and I lost Percy again...but I guess that doesn't matter anymore. Because he's here and I'm here and the kids are here and everything will be alright.

Walking down the stairs in my pjs, I wondered when and if we were ever going to tell them about our adventures. We were by no means going to raise them as if they were normal because they are not normal. What sense would it be to deny it? And why would Percy and I try to hide who we are from our children? No. They know they're special, or at least Luke does. Milo too, I think.

We know they will inherit some if any of our powers and we want to be there for that and treat it as if it were the normal. Because in this house, in this world, it is.

Percy snapped his fingers in my face. "Hey Wise Girl, still asleep?" He asked with a smile. I yawned. "Mmhmm," I mumbled. He pulled me into a hug and kissed the top of my head, rocking me back and forth.

We were interrupted by an "Eww!" from the table where Luke was sitting. I laughed and paced to the table, giving Luke a good morning hug.

"Where's Ari?" I asked. "In the living room," Percy responded. I glanced in that direction to see that she was laying on her blanket in the middle of the living room, just playing with her toys(mostly trying to eat them).

I smiled. I love our family. And our extended family. We are such a great team and I know for a fact that through thick and thin we will always be there for each other.

I got up and moved the curtains aside, looking out the window. We were all the way in the sixth floor so we had a pretty good view, except for one thing: it was snowing. Sure it's late October, but I wasn't expecting snow this early.

"Oh my gods Luke! Come look! It's snowing!" While Luke shouted and ran for the window to see, Percy melted to the ground dramatically, holding his tattooed arms above his head, yelling "Nooooooooo!"

"Nooooo!" Ariana shrieked in response, copying her father.

We had nothing to do today, so we put in Avengers and sat on the couch, laughing at the funny moments. Luke's favorite superhero he said, was Iron Man because he reminded him of "Uncle Leo".

We sat on the couch still, watching the Avengers, when I got an Iris Message. I accepted it and Rachel was on the screen, looking frantic. Percy scooped up Ariana and grabbed Luke's hand and led them both upstairs.

"What is it Rachel?" I asked. "I had a dream last night and I was hoping you could help me figure out what it means."

I nodded and she began to explain the dream. "Okay, so it started out in your apartment. There were some monsters, someone screamed and then it changed. There was a fire and then it cut to Camp Jupiter, in New Rome, and there was a neighborhood of exactly seven houses. I heard piano music too, but I don't know if that's relevant or not," she finished, "and that was my dream. It sounds stupid now, but it was...alarming."

I looked to see Percy listening at the top of the stairs.

"Are those seven houses in that neighborhood actually in New Rome?" I asked.

"That's the thing. They aren't. I went and checked this morning. Those houses don't exist. I called you because...well maybe they should."

"You want me to build them," I clarified. She bit her lip. "Yes. I've already painted what they look like and I can help you design them. But if I had a dream about something, it must be important."

"I totally understand. We can meet up sometime and get the blueprints done. See you soon Rachel," I said.

"See ya Annabeth," she waved her hand through the message and it disappeared.

"Okay guys," I heard Percy say. He led Luke back down the stairs(Ari in his arms) and rejoined me on the couch. He raised an eyebrow and I gave him a look that said 'tell you later'.

So for the rest of the day we played board games and watched movies and made blue cookies, but it felt like there was a fog separating me from Percy and the kids. A veil that prevented me from being present in the activities of my family. I just couldn't stop thinking about what Rachel said.

Something about that dream gave me a strange feeling, like someone was walking on my grave.

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