
349 8 2

Edited 11/14/18

So Luke wanted to play hockey. What was I supposed to say, no? So here we are, at a sports equipment store, the twins in a double baby carrier on my back, and Ari running in circles around the gear, buying Luke some hockey pads(don't worry, she's not buying Luke's hockey gear. She's saving up for whatever toys kids play with these days).

Now, the author of this story knows what she's talking about because both of her brothers have played hockey since forever, so just bear with me here.

One of the workers helping us was getting Luke fitted to some hockey pants and other pads(elbow, shin, shoulder, etc.).

He grinned at me, one of his front teeth missing, while they put skates on his feet. One reason I'm particularly okay with him playing hockey, is that it's played on ice. And ice is water. So yeah.

So we purchased all of the hockey gear and left the store, off to the trampoline park where we were having a get together with everyone.

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