Hazel's POV(Fifty-Eight)

406 11 1

Edited 10/30/18

It's been seven days since Annabeth was taken. And we've had absolutely no luck in finding any leads whatsoever. Today is the 9th of February which just so happens to be Emily's first birthday.

And she is the cutest thing, let me tell you. She's got dark skin just like me, and dark brown curls. Her eyes are a dark brown like Frank's, and we've also discovered she's got some of his shapeshifting abilities. We're sure they will develop more when she's older, but so far all we've seen is a tail and some cat ears.

For her birthday, we were throwing a small celebration at Camp Jupiter. Basically just the centurions and the praetors(Reyna and Frank) and a few other friends. Will and Nico were there with Bee, but other then that, the rest of the seven were searching for Annabeth.

They all called to wish Emily a Happy Birthday, and apologized a million times they couldn't be here. Last time I heard, Percy had decided to go searching on Pegasi, taking some trusty Pegasi so his kids could come along. Leo was working hard on a device that we could use to track her and Calypso was trying all sorts of sorcery to find our missing friend.

I was using my powers to search underground and Frank would fly around or run on land, trying to catch a sent.

Jason and Piper were searching across the country, starting in LA and working eastward. They took Riley with them and he was pretty easy to tow along.

Will was confined to working at the infirmary at Camp, but Nico was busy talking to ghosts and searching the Underworld and the shadows for information.

Thalia had the hunters looking as well. Everyone wanted to find Annabeth, and now that we knew she was having a baby, we knew we had no time to spare. She's already a month along. Only eight more to go. And who knows how she's being treated or what should happen to her or the baby if she was forced to give birth in captivity. We couldn't let that happen.

Anyway, back to the birthday party. We had the bakery in New Rome make a cake for us with little frosting animals and candy jewels.

We celebrated until Emily was so tired she passed out in Reyna's arms where she was trying to entertain the child. Reyna chuckled and handed her off to Frank who had her so her head was on his chest.

I found it so adorable when he held her because she looked so tiny in his arms. It was quite possibly the cutest thing ever.

I'm not sure why, but the diaper competition came to mind. I was at about two minutes but Frank was a hopeless 7 minutes 34 seconds. I don't even know how he manages to go so slow. I think as of now, Annabeth's still in the lead with 1 minute and 54 seconds. Leo's catching up to her and then it's probably either Percy or Piper.

We thanked everyone for coming and started to clean up. Frank still held Emily in his arms and in her sleep, she flicked her cute little kitten ears on the top of her head. Heading back to the Praetor's quarters where we live in Frank's apartment, we put Emily down in her crib and crawled into bed.

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