Hazel's POV(Eighty-Eight)

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"DAD!" Luke was screaming his head off. The building collapsed and I caught sight of Percy! The twins held tightly to his chest, free falling through the air before I lost him in the smoke and dust.

"Frank!" He's turned back to human briefly to make sure Luke was okay, but he snapped to attention, going slack jawed at the destruction. He took a running head start, changing in midair to fly expertly through debris, searching for Percy.

"Oh gods, he's still up there. I can't see him!" Nico was freaking out, scanning the sky for any sign of Percy and the twins. Luke was hysteric and it was all I could do to hold him.

Will was busy dealing with Jason, but he looked up long enough to utter a prayer. Then we could see them again. Frank came swooping down, Percy, still holding the twins, aloft on his back. "Dad!" Luke screamed again.

Frank deposited Percy gently on the ground, staggering away and falling to the ground, back in human form.

Will's eyes widened and he abandoned Jason for the moment. Percy was unconscious, his hold on the twins strong. Bianca was unconscious as well, Ethan wide eyed and unresponsive.

Will had to wrestled the out of Percy's strong hold, for even in his unconscious state, he was determined to protect them. Leo raved over to help and took Bianca. "Make sure she's breathing," Will instructed, doing the same for Ethan. It hurt my heart to hear that.

"Dad," Luke's voice was a hoarse whisper and I couldn't stop him running to Percy, trying to shake him awake. When that didn't work, he resorted to laying on him in a sort of hug, his head on Percy's chest.

"She's breathing," Leo reported, rocking Bianca in his arms. His face was streaked with tears, the stress of the situation catching up to him. He gave her a few breaths through mouth to mouth to clear some of the smoke out of her lungs as Will carefully instructed.

Ethan was still staring off into space. Will moved his finger back and forth in front of his face, and after a few tries, his eyes finally followed the movement, although the action was delayed.

Will concluded he was in shock and carefully handed him to Nico who cradled him with care, talking to him, and trying to keep with warm and calm.

Will turned his attention to Percy still unconscious. Luke's tears stained his shirt and Will eased Luke into a seated position. Will checked first Percy's pulse, and then his breathing.

He pulled a few squares of ambrosia from his pocket and force fed them to Percy. From this point on Luke just sat and stared, silent and terrified.

Percy stirred and opened his eyes lazily. Luke threw his arms around Percy and sobbed. Percy held him tight and Ariana came to join in on the hug.

Percy then seemed to realize he wasn't holding the twins and started to panic. "Whoa, they're okay. Leo and Nico have them, Will explained. Percy wouldn't relax thought, until he was holding them. They seemed to come to at his touch, Ethan came back into focus, and Bianca woke up. They both simultaneously started crying.

I'm quite sure that at that point, we were all crying. Calypso tackled Percy in a hug. "Thank you," she sobbed. "Thank you."

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