Movie Night(Onety-Twoty-Two)

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Will's POV

The next day was super stormy all day(which may or may not have been Jason's doing). Thunderstorms were rolling in and we were forced to spend the whole day inside the cabin.

It was honestly one of the most fun days we've had so far. We played a huge game of Monopoly, at least five people to a team. Frank, Hazel, Nico, Reyna, and I won after five hours of playing. Percy made sure we always had lots of snacks, and Piper was in charge of the music.

After that, we all played another ping pong tournament and Luke and Noah came out on top, and we watched them play. They were incredibly good and they had one volley that lasted twenty minutes, no joke.

Since we snacked all day, Leo made us nachos quick by putting everything on a tray and lighting his hands on fire, as per usual Leo dramatic flare.

When it got later, we put in a movie and we all piled onto the couches and the chairs and the floor and we all cuddled up to watch.

Halfway through the second movie, most everyone was asleep. Percy had both the twins snuggled up on his lap, all three of them sleeping. The only other people awake besides Nico and I were Luke, Noah, and Milo, still watching the movie intently.

Nico, Bee, and I were all squished into a chair. Bee was curled up on Nico's lap, her head on his shoulder, legs stretched over me and off the end of the chair.

Nico ran his fingers through her long, straight, caramel colored hair. It seems like just yesterday we adopted her from Aphrodite, but now here we are, twelve years later.

I nudged Nico's head with my nose until he looked at me. His dark, soulful eyes searched mine and I kissed him deeply.

"Ew," Maria mumbled in her sleep. Nico laughed into the kiss and pulled out of the kiss, resting his head on my shoulder. I shifted, wrapping my arms around them both.

I was asleep before the end of the movie.

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