Annabeth's POV(Thirty-Two)

539 18 17

Edited 8/17/18

Piper and Jason apparently had an appointment scheduled for last week and we haven't yet heard from them on how it went.

It was a bright and sunny March day and my team and I were working on a new building in the city and I was directing the crew when a familiar car pulled up.

Percy got out and unstrapped Luke from his car seat. Our daycare person was on vacation and we couldn't find anyone else so Percy brought him to work with him until lunch. I get him for the rest of the work day.

Percy set our son on the ground and pointed to me. "Go to Mama," he said. Luke shrieked and ran to me, he was very quick on his feet now. Once to me I picked him up and swung him around.

Percy jogged over and handed me the baby carrier and his blanket before pecking me on the lips and hopping back in his car and driving off to work.

I turned with Luke on my hip to see one of the crew members that had been ogling me from a distance with a dumb look on his face. I smirked at that and buckled the carrier onto my back and swung Luke into it.

He soon got comfortable with his blanket and fell asleep since it was around his nap time and Percy fed him over lunch. I was able to keep working after that.

After awhile, I got a message on our group chat from Jason.

Sparky: We r coming to CHB later. Want to meet?

Repair Boy: Sure thing:) how'd the appt. go??

Sparky: talk later

StayGold: ??? Am I missing something???


RARA: not important. See you guys later

Callie: Okay I have a question. What does this emoji mean?⚠️

Zootopia: that one means warning

Callie: and this one?🙏

Seaweed Brain: That one means you're praying

Callie: K and how about this one? 🍆

Repair Boy: OKAY that's enough. See y'all later. Come on Callie we need to have a talk.

Callie: what'd I do???

move_im_gay: *facepalms*

I smiled and pocketed my phone. I wrapped up the work day and buckled Luke into his car seat and drove home to meet up with Percy, who hopped in my car and we drove to Camp Half-Blood.

We arrived at Camp and sat at a table in the dining pavilion and waited for everyone to show up. Almost everyone was here except for Jason and Piper. We were all joking around and having a good time until we saw them coming.

I could tell something was wrong right away. Piper's hair was messy and disheveled and her eyes were puffy from crying. Jason didn't look much better with his bloodshot eyes.

Leo seemed oblivious and hopped up. "You haven't told us how it went? Did you guys find out a gender or something?"

Piper mumbled something under her breath I couldn't hear. "What was that?" Hazel asked politely.

"We lost the baby," she said a little louder. My hands flew to my mouth. "Oh, honey," I said running forward and wrapping her in a hug where she promptly collapsed into me sobbing.

She slid down to her knees and I followed, rubbing her back. Milo and Luke waddled around in the grass playing some game of tag, completely unaware of what was going on.

Soon Jason joined in on the hug, and then Percy and Hazel and Leo. After that came Frank and Reyna and then Nico and Will and Calypso.

Campers walking past might have wondered what the heck was going on, but none of us cared. We were here to support our grieving friends.

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