Piper's POV(Sixty-Five)

432 10 1

Edited 10/30/18

The babies were born on September 10th. Annabeth died on September 10th. I think a little bit of Percy died too. It's the third night after that when I'm woken up by babies crying. Jason, Riley and I are just staying in the Zeus cabin and Percy and the kids are in the Poseidon cabin which is right beside ours.

Percy hasn't named the babies yet. Hell, he hardly knows how to handle himself let alone two kids and two screaming babies.

He just needs sleep and time to grieve, but neither of those have been given to him. I shook Jason awake. "Hmm," he grumbled. "The babies are screaming. I'm gonna go help Percy," I said. "M'kay," and then he went back to sleep.

I threw on some pajamas and then left the cabin, my bare feet tickled by the grass on the way over to Cabin 3. I knocked on the door and let myself in. Ariana was tossing and turning and Luke up sat wide awake in bed.

Percy stood shirtless in a pair of sweatpants, trying to rock the crying girl back to sleep while the screaming boy squirmed in his crib. I first walked over to Luke. "You and your sister can go sleep in the Zeus cabin. It's just Jason and Riley in there," he nodded and shook Ari awake. He took her by the hand and silently led her out the door.

I walked over to the crib and picked up the boy. "I think they're hungry," I suggested. Percy was crying. "I fed them ten minutes ago."

"Diaper change?"

"Five minutes ago."

"Maybe they just need to be held," I said.

He nodded and continued rocking around the girl. I did the same for the boy and soon enough they both quieted down. Percy's eyes were drooping and he looked about ready to drop.

"Do you know what you're going to name them yet?" I asked. "I've been thinking about it a lot, but nothing seems right yet," he said. "It'll come to you." I assured him.

"Here," I said. I held out my arm for the girl and he looked confused but gave me the baby. Once I had them both in my arms, I told him to lay down and go to sleep. Once he was comfortable in bed, I handed him first the girl and then the boy. He got comfortable with them in his bed, and they both fell asleep.

"Percy, if you ever need anything, call us. We'll be here. Even if you want us to take the babies for a night, you can ask. Goodnight Percy, get some sleep. We love you," and with that, I left to go back to Cabin 1. Percy was asleep before I shut the door.

Walking into the cabin, I saw Jason was still asleep and Luke and Ariana were snuggled in bed with Riley, actually getting a good night's sleep. I smiled and crawled into bed.

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